Example sentences of "we [modal v] [verb] [art] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 If these variations remind us of the history of the Alps , then so much the better : we may find a better balance to the continuing battle between development and conservation .
2 At the weekends , we are no longer constrained by the timetable of our weekdays and we may have a fuller social life in the evening .
3 He thinks we ought to have the softer article in from time to time . ’
4 All PCs bought from 1992 onwards will meet the technical standards , but we should check the older machines .
5 For completeness , we should mention the further grounds of appeal concerning the summing up .
6 Hence , given that they are held to bear less risk , we should expect a lower return .
7 It is even just that we should assign a greater degree of responsibility to children , for madmen , by virtue of their lack of free will , are completely without responsibility , while children , insofar as they possess reason in a partially developed form , can be held responsible ( i.e. can be required to take responsibility ) to a corresponding degree .
8 Stocks of the attached leaflet have almost run out and as this was always intended to be an interim in-house production we now feel we should produce a glossier version on a better quality paper in the style of the leaflets we have recently produced for Community Care and Assessment .
9 But Barry Ward says we should take a closer look at the East of England .
10 Or this at least was the academic orthodoxy , and by examining this and subsequent debates we should have a clearer idea of the analytical tools which can be of help in understanding the changing nature of local politics in Britain .
11 I think we should have a healthier lifestyle .
12 The position that was presented by myself and my colleagues at the last er er er at the last last er last meeting was to indicate a higher level of fire cover within the Service that Councillor wanted and the Committees supported the view that we should have a higher level subject to further discussions of the fire of the fire .
13 It 's agreed that we should be looking at improving the standard in D risk areas etc etc etc etc but we should have a higher level of cover , not putting anybody into a suffering situation , quite the reverse that we would have an improved level of of cover within the County and the Chief Officer he 's said this time and time again .
14 As Europeans we must accept a greater role in safeguarding the peace in our continent .
15 To complete an alternating BFS , we must find a further basic variable ( with value 0 ) for each row .
16 We must find a quicker way of securing justice .
17 We 'll have a longer talk when I 'm home again . ’
18 Perhaps now we 'll see a happier Oval under a manager who 's prepared to clear out the old guard from ex-stalwarts down to assistant kitman .
19 We 'll get a better photo with them shut Carl , do you think ?
20 I 'll I 'll try and rewrite my erm this is something that is not a problem , every time I write a letter it or write my introductory letter it comes out different , so I 'll try and simplify my introductory letter as well , I think we 'll get a bigger uptake ,
21 Trouble is our bath Ju it 's not big enough we 'll get a bigger bath
22 I must emphasise that these conclusions are quite tentative , because of the lack of data , hopefully as we carry on , and maybe get more schools involved , we 'll get a bigger set of data , then we can actually do some statistical analysis , and , to be more certain of the results , but it shows general patterns that we 'd expect , so it makes , it shows that it 's quite easy for the schoolchildren , and it fits in very well with their geography courses , and the new G C S E curriculum .
23 ‘ Certainly we 'll need a better ship than the kind I 've seen in Pantai and Losan . ’
24 The desire for improved services was centred among Congregationalists and Baptists while what we might call a larger search for dignity pertained to all the major denominations ; the Congregationalist , Dr George Barrett , told a 1900 meeting of the Free Church Council that ‘ Nonconformists have not yet enlisted the imagination as a handmaid to faith …
25 These are very very cheap discounted tickets er usually using what we might call the dodgier carriers of the world , not necessarily those which have got a bad safety records or crash records , but where the cuisine is n't quite as good on board , or you do n't get an inflight movie .
26 1 became convinced that with better management and a number of policy changes we could achieve a better service for the patient .
27 We could accept a lower parity as part of a decision to join because it would be coupled with the disciplines of the exchange rate mechanism . ’
28 Commenting on the falling pound , he said : ‘ We could accept a lower parity as part of a decision to join because it would be coupled with the disciplines of the exchange rate mechanism .
29 Then we could produce a better plan for the future .
30 If we wanted to , we could write a safer form of music , and we have done in the past — ballads like Beth , or other more pop-related , radio-friendly attractive material .
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