Example sentences of "we [adj] [vb base] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 No , it 's got to be an alert , and if we all keep to the same story we might just get away with it .
2 Erm , I would like to close by saying that erm I just thought it would be just a nice idea that I would invite any of you members of the Council and wives who have n't got anything else to do on Christmas morning , if you fancy popping up to my house for a glass of sherry or whatever , just on a casual basis as a little thank you for what you 've done over the erm over the last twelve months , I extend that invitation to you all and District Councillors if they wish to come and I would like to say , on behalf of the Council , that I hope you all have a , this is the last full meeting , and to everybody here I hope you have a very nice happy peaceful Christmas and I hope we all go into the new year with renewed vigour .
3 We all go through the bad times so if these Glentoran supporters or any other supporters of other clubs would get behind their team , instead of giving continual stick , perhaps fortunes on the park might change .
4 He is quite decided that it is important that we all go to the one service although I feel that if we covered both services then we would not miss out on anything .
5 The bell rings at 8.45 and we all gather at the door to our tutor base .
6 We all worry about the things we can not alter .
7 We all get into the trough and try to grab a bit for ourselves .
8 We all marvel at the Red Kite , ’ says Gareth , ‘ But we do n't marvel at the little beetles which are the reason it 's there . ’
9 She said well we all help on the weekends , even my dad helps , I said , but who actually makes the decisions about what you do , what you eat , what you buy
10 Branches are jammed against the doors and we all retire for the night .
11 Still , we all know about the opinion polls .
12 We all know about the sorry state of the environment but are we doing enough about it ?
13 Now we all know about the commercialization of Christmas and the pressure to spend money to give the kids the best , which often means the most expensive !
14 We all know about the crisis in agriculture which has been well described by many hon. Members .
15 But then , we all know about the virtues of BMW motoring .
16 We all know of the dramatic effects of the venoms of snakes and spiders , the savage stings of wasps and jellyfish and the virulent poisons of scorpions and stingrays , but there are many other examples in the animal kingdom and some of them are even more lethal .
17 We all know of the hon. Gentleman 's concern for environmental protection and for tropical and rain forests , but the article in The Guardian — I stress , The Guardian — drew attention to the fact that the proposal was to take only 20 cu m of wood per hectare , which is only eight trees , every 20 years .
18 Those that take up the service , and of course we all know in the school meals service that the take up figures are very low .
19 As we all know from the Squidgy tape , when she is displeased with her she refers to her as ‘ the red head ’ .
20 A sketch by an expert can convey much more information than several pages of prose , as we all know from the instructions that accompany household apparatus .
21 Stick it away out the way until next winter and as we all know inside the electric blanket we have little and there 's your blanket .
22 Later we all climb to the top of the cliffs behind the bay , an arduous scramble up step , stream-washed scree .
23 Success depends on the resolution we all show in the new year
24 We all dissemble on the subject of our inner life , because it is in such a fluid state .
25 I might add that this is not an attempt to get publicity as there are only three NME readers in this town — and we all play in the same band !
26 Such state-of-the-art software will enable Double Glazing to cross-reference problems that we all experience in the Windows environment , and provide timely and accurate fixes and work-arounds .
27 This book probably presents what we all expect from the future : that anything can happen , between cosmology and religion .
28 Basically everything we all agree at the Institute the question of improving the lot of the Third World is the responsibility of Third Worlders , and in fact a number of us would add that in very many cases , certainly not in all , it would not be achieved through slow incremental technical change , but would require in some cases very major social structural changes that in some cases erm will only be brought about very major social upheaval erm and there all we can do is add to perhaps the element of increasing consciousness and awareness of the problems , which furthermore is a two way street , I mean when we have this study activities we learn as much from the people who attend the seminars as we tell them .
29 We all agree on the cultural importance of Shakespeare , the Report asserts , and we probably all do .
30 We all agree about the need to protect the general public against short measures , but does not the Minister realise that flat beer is just as bad , if not worse , than small beer ?
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