Example sentences of "we [verb] that [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In this paper ( as in [ R ] ) we insist that each parallel process declares which globe variables it wishes to be able to modify , and which globe channels it wishes to be allowed to input from , output to , or uses privately .
2 " We fear that several Swedish forests are close to their tolerance limits , " he said .
3 We realized that these strained angles could be important in the phosphotransfer function of HPr .
4 We entered that same comfortable flat off Siltasaarenk where I had met Harvey the previous week .
5 We suggest that this present system which I think many of us have doubts about should continue for practical reasons for nineteen ninety four , ninety five only and for ninety five , ninety six , we will have the benefit of the audit .
6 We expect that this clear correlation between initial release probability and the locus of change will be important for the further understanding of the mechanism of LTP at these synapses .
7 We propose that this daunting list of stages , each of which calls for different information skills , can only be satisfactorily incorporated in the school 's programme by a curriculum policy built around these skills .
8 If we take our budget-fixing example and examine it for a moment , we realise that two separate things may be going on .
9 We remember a meal with our family ; visiting an old person ; ‘ falling-out and falling-in ’ with others — and we realise that these human experiences , so trifling in themselves , were precisely the situations permeated with God 's presence .
10 ‘ When we decided to go into guitar manufacturer , we found that one well-known company on the West Coast was actually making its necks with a sander .
11 ‘ When we decided to go into guitar manufacturer , we found that one well-known company on the West Coast was actually making its necks with a sander .
12 When we introduced lexical stress we found that all content words but only a small proportion of function words were marked for lexical stress , and that the number of word paths was reduced primarily because these function words no longer matched parts of content words .
13 And we found that all five of these sorts of experiences were expressed much more by the employed people we interviewed than by the unemployed people .
14 We found that all three glutathione S-transferases tested were present in colonic epithelium and this is consistent with the findings of Howie et al ; it contrasts , however , with the results of Hayes et al , who identified glutathione S-transferase π and µ and did not detect glutathione S-transferase α in normal colon using an immunoperoxidase staining procedure .
15 In the present study we found that five asymptomatic diabetic patients with cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy had impaired gall bladder emptying in response to graded doses of cholecystokinin 8 .
16 In our feasibility study , we found that these two types were both represented in the samples of social work offered to us as examples of secondary prevention , and a distinction between them made sense to the practitioners .
17 This neuronal organization is unique to the r4/5 region and in r2/3 we found that trigeminal efferent neurons traced from the exit point in r2 are more laterally placed , with their axons all extending laterally through the neuroepithelium ( Fig. 2b , f ) .
18 We conclude that intact HSV-1 Vmw175 and its isolated DNA binding domain both have greatly reduced affinities for the VT2 binding sites in the VZV gene 62 promoter , compared to the binding observed with the VZV 140k DNA binding domain .
19 Structurally , we conclude that this crucial committee needed also to be related unambiguously and directly to both the Project Coordinating Team and the administration of the county inservice department .
20 We conclude that further diagnostic tests are required for patients whose clinical course suggests CF , but whose sweat test result is normal .
21 We estimated that each positive sarcoid section had as few as six genomes by comparison with positive control DNA samples , and Southern hybridisation was essential for detection .
22 We hope that many more members of staff will soon follow in their footsteps .
23 On a positive note we hope that those British women , who have shown us solidarity with our fight for liberation , will continue their valuable work by making western women aware of just how liberated we actually are , particularly at this time of the lntifada .
24 We hope that this new network will also provide information and exchange with women artists and historians about the work of women artists practising in this country .
25 Parts are still at this time being occupied but it is almost certain before long that the whole of the building will be condemned and we hope that this old building will be preserved and not allowed to fall into decay .
26 So as a small token of appreciation , I just have two books or two copies of the same book which I would like to hand to your president and to your general secretary as a token of appreciation and it 's the authorized biography of Nelson Mandela of whom we are all very proud , considering what he has suffered through and what he has done and we hope that this little token will be a kind of memento for all your support but by doing this I 'm not saying that your support is over because the struggle continues .
27 No pupils refused to participate in the study , and as pupils were not warned about the administration of the survey we assumed that those registered pupils who did not complete the survey were either absent or had left the school .
28 This is not very surprising when we consider that most joint ventures appear not to be entirely voluntary .
29 We consider that this PABA-UDCA disulphate incubation test makes it possible to express the severity of bacterial peritonitis quantitatively within 90 minutes .
30 It is not adequately understood how molecular clouds in both the disk and the bulge manage to sustain internal motions in excess of the sound speed ( ) , but we suspect that strong magnetic fields within the clouds ensure that the Alfvén speed is at least comparable to v .
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