Example sentences of "we [verb] such [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Not since Brian Hayes at his peak have we heard such a master of the phone-in put-down .
2 How shall we explain such a sea change in the dominant theory of legislation ?
3 Whether we judge such a change desirable depends on how we value David 's utility relative to Susie 's .
4 Erm let's go back to differentiation , what does is mean why the why the big deal you know why do we make such a fuss about , Hey would n't it be nice to integrate things .
5 I am at one with the hon. Gentleman in believing that it is important that we develop such a policy — but neither he nor I , nor anyone else , can say that any particular state of agriculture is frozen .
6 ‘ Do we know such a person ? ’
7 As readers we expect such a persona to describe a scene , dramatise some situation , and express feelings .
8 Should not we include such a policy in our manifesto for the next general election ?
9 but er , er as I say while I was round there the new town was , was all built and er I found , we found such a difference cos I used to have to go into Old Harlow shopping , I used to cycle before I was handicapped like this , I used to cycle everywhere , and er I went , you used to have to queue up in Old Harlow for the shops , we had n't got anything here at all , no Stow or anything when I first , I mean when I came here nothing , it was just terrible terrible lane up here it was and all these were all ploughed fields and it was really terrible and I had erm , I used to have to cycle into the doctors Old Harlow , queue up , queue up at the butchers , queue up everywhere you had to queue and er , till they built this er the new , The Stow then we used to go to The Stow shopping you know which made such a difference , but er , during my say during my lifetime I 've so , so pleased when the new town came because I wanted to move back to Nazeing where I came from when I first got here because it was such a terrible place there was nothing doing whatever , you know and then I moved erm , as I say after I got round the front there it was more , better really , you know , with all the er traffic and that you could see people going by and that as otherwise it , it was monotonous really in Common Fields , you did n't see much at all there , but you know it was , I quite enjoyed it really , now what else have I got to tell you ?
10 We consider such a mode of exchanging our ideas as most natural and indispensable , and that the Combined System of education is by far preferable to the so-called Pure Oral .
11 ‘ Never have we had such a feeling of back-up and understanding , ’ said Martin Bell .
12 ‘ How are we to understand such an oracle ? ’
13 At Woodchester and , to a lesser extent , at Stonesfield , we find such a variety of motif and patterning that the pavements themselves could well mirror a page ( or the page ) of design : at Woodchester especially , they comprise an array from which all other instances of closely related pavements could have been taken .
14 I give this portion of my estate as a thank-offering in the firm conviction that never again shall we have such a chance of giving our country that form of help which is so vital at the present time .
15 When we compare such a view with that of Althusser , we can see why he feels so strongly that the scope of Marx 's theory has not been recognised .
16 And yet , so mechanical is this learning routine that if we interrupt such a bee while she is feeding she must take off and land again of her own accord , that landing permits her to choose the correct feeder colour on her next visit .
17 We apply such a combination here to an issue which has been of central interest to urban sociology : the state , its concentration of power , and its relation to people 's daily lives .
18 How often should we hold such a conference ? ( in years )
19 Why should we endure such a travesty ?
20 The centre will , however , often ‘ attempt to neutralise the influences of local interests in local states ’ ( Duncan and Goodwin , 1988 , p. 41 ) , and we claim such an attempt has taken place from 1979 to 1988 and that it is this which lies behind the current restructuring of local-central government relations .
21 ‘ Can we afford such an appetite , I wonder ? ’
22 And once we start such an enquiry , Poulantzas claims , we shall be dragged away from the objective definition of classes , back into individualist accounts of the perceptions and intentions of their members .
23 We can place some detecting devices , photographic plates or Geiger counters , say , which will register whether the electron has arrived at A or B. If we analyse such an experiment what we obtain is a chain of correlations : if the electron 's spin is " up " , then it will be deflected to A , and then the Geiger counter at A will click or if the electrons spin is " down " , then it will be deflected to B , and then the Geiger counter at B will click .
24 And in any case the question of should we , may be pre-empted by the question of can we offer such a course … ’
25 I can well remember , I can well remember when our children , when our children were quite young , and er we had such a couple staying with us .
26 ‘ When you 're writing stuff , these kinds of songs come out and you know you 're never going to use them seriously , but we had such a laugh when we were playing about with that one , we decided to use it on the single .
27 Well we had such a laugh about it you know .
28 Erm what would present problems in real life I think would be developments of a larger kind than that in which a new settlement er might be one strategic site if we had such a policy might be another .
29 If we had such a network , we would be able to withdraw the support which we currently give to private practitioners , but the Minister knows that we can not do so at this stage because there is no body of effective legal advice and opinion to benefit people .
30 Had we relied on public sector finance , it would have been another century before we had such an opportunity for British industry , with all the infrastructure back-up that will flow from it .
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