Example sentences of "we [verb] [adv prt] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 The goods are sent on by large waggons , and meet us at Loch Crinan ; while the ‘ Cygnet ’ or the ‘ Plover ’ puffs along right merrily , and we sit down to have a quiet look at the bonnie bits of scenery that are everywhere meeting us .
2 After being endlessly reassured that , ‘ it 's not the tractor , it 's how long he stays out that field ploughing , ’ we give up craving a member that could be mistaken for the Eiffel Tower .
3 Every committee , sub-committee and working party which we set up has a resource implication .
4 After arrival at the capital of Reykjavik we watched in some trepidation as our heavily laden Landrover was swung out on a derrick and deposited on the quay , but all went well and as soon as we had cleared customs we set out to take a look at this bright little capital city .
5 It is against a background of near hysteria that we set out to propose an alternative account of what is happening on the football terraces — an account based not on the second-hand rhetoric of myth-creating media men but on our faith in people 's ability to render their own social action intelligible and meaningful .
6 So we set about putting a stop to it .
7 Millions of pounds spent on satellite technology is wasted when people like me ignore Michael Fish yelling on television from behind some sandbags , ‘ For God 's sake take cover ! ’ as we set off to claim a Munro with a song in our hearts .
8 He believed as Lionel Curtis did that Indians ' souls had to be renovated before they were fit to govern : he deeply shocked the American journalist William Shirer by announcing that ‘ Self-government … is inconceivable and unattainable without the removal of untouchability , as it also is without Hindu-Moslem unity … we shall be unfit to gain independence so long as we keep in bondage a fifth of the population of Hindustan . ’
9 ‘ Shall we go out to see a film tonight , Frankie ?
10 When we go out to visit a new client — we look at the needs of the sufferer and the carer .
11 The dogs follow the trail , so there is no problem , but it does mean that I miss seeing the sudden three metre drop that we go down to reach a frozen river .
12 We went through to see a couple of remarkable rock formations , the Trident and the Judge — no prizes for guessing where they got their names .
13 We went on to do a good matinée performance and came off to thunderous applause and whistles of appreciation .
14 We went on keeping a watch on his activities , but not for long , because he went out of business .
15 when we down to London last week , we went in to see a friend of ours , she works in the sandwich bar
16 Mark gave me one of Sophie 's doorstops — a sleeping fox , and we went down to visit a friend in the Borders with Ethel for support .
17 So we we moved towards the sound of the glass , and there 's there 's two people in the the garden , so we went down to have a look at them .
18 there and then we went back had a shower went and had something to eat cos it was only like bed , breakfast and evening meal , went and had something to eat and then
19 ‘ In my day we went out to break an opponent 's concentration — not his leg .
20 Suddenly there was this tremendous roar , and we looked up to see a mass of snow and rocks rolling down a gully .
21 We looked up to see an old man in a flapping gallibaya pointing to the eastern shore .
22 We carry on walking a bit .
23 There were only three er criteria when we set out to choose a firm .
24 We ended up buying a cheap gas picnic stove for which cartridges were sold everywhere — and luckily it did us proud .
25 We ended up producing a paint customised for the job , ’ said , sales manager for defence and industrial coatings .
26 I remember in the terrible winter of 1962 – 63 we sat out eating a picnic lunch when everybody across the harbour was frozen to death .
27 They asked us to go back to see a doctor from the Christie Hospital in Manchester in two days time .
28 To state the problem ( that is to say the intellectual problem we have set for ourselves ) in a way which enables us to go about finding a solution is not easy .
29 And then erm after the rehearsal some of us went off to get a pizza before the concert and he said to me , erm are you interested in going to hear the Mozart Requiem , it 's on at the Barbican on Wednesday ?
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