Example sentences of "from the [noun] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There 's also a baseline heavy enough to hang half a dozen DJs from , and a funk aesthetic that you can currently detect in everyone from the Sandals to Galliano , Brand New Heavies to D-Influence .
2 Only when a significant amount of food preparation moved from the home to food factories and when people became considerably more interested in what they were eating in the 1960s was there pressure to have more informative labels .
3 One cold evening , Seb returned from the cottage to Handley Farm along lanes , the banks of which were already glistening with frost .
4 You dip down the drive from the Yoxford to Peasenhall road across an ornamental bridge and on towards this plain and golden Greek Revival house .
5 Struggling to survive the discouragement of another rebuff , Vincent walked on foot from the Borinage to Brussels to plead his case with the Reverend Pietersen , one of the more sympathetic members of the committee which had just sacked him .
6 Peter Mansfield , a distinguished British commentator on the Middle East , sketches its history from the Sumerians to Napoleon 's invasion of Egypt in 1798 and takes a more detailed look at events thereafter , right up to the Gulf War .
7 Combwich ( pronounced ‘ Cumidge ’ ) is a quiet , picturesque community clustered round a bend in the River Parrett as it meanders on its way from the sea to Bridgwater Docks .
8 Scurrying aft , I had a fast shave , using the pink slime from the soap-dispenser to lather my face .
9 He looked from the manuscript to Robert and back again .
10 In the mid-1680s Coxe began to acquire property in West New Jersey , and in 1687 he purchased the proprietary rights of the province from the heirs to Edward Byllynge .
11 This is a friendly , well-run hotel 150 yards from the cablecar to Taormina town and convenient for the beach .
12 I do not wish to exclude him from such private and individual arenas , for to do so would be to fly in the face of Christian tradition from the fathers to C. S. Lewis and Cardinal Suenens ( 1982 ) in our own time .
13 The immediate aim was to open the roads to and from the temple to untouchables , but it proved to be a symbol of the movement to eliminate discrimination against untouchables in all spheres of life and a pointer to the need to abolish the caste system .
14 The conquest of the north decisively tilted the scales in Franco 's favour ; quite apart from the damage to Republican morale , it brought the Nationalists raw materials — iron ore and coal — and industrial capacity vital to the prosecution of modern warfare .
15 O'Keeffe 's immediate reaction to the criticism generated by the 1923 show is not known , but it is clear from a letter she wrote to Mitchell Kennerley of the Anderson Gallery in the autumn of 1922 , soon after Rosenfeld 's second article appeared , that she had objected from the beginning to Hartley 's and Rosenfeld 's assessments of her and her art : ‘ You see Rosenfeld 's articles have embarrassed me — [ and ] I wanted to lose the one for the Hartley book when I had the only copy of it to read — so it could n't be in the book . ’
16 I used the time by moving from the Temple to Peel Square — not a formidable job , for it required only a suitcase and a taxi .
17 By channelling water away from the structure to drainage channels the board renders any granular fill layer unnecessary .
18 Whilst the natural flow of the design development must be from the top to bottom of Figure I.l , due to the iterative nature of design no truly sequential relationships can be inferred from their order .
19 Corruption , and the way that it extends from the top to bottom of society in American cities , is the subject of ‘ City of Hope ’ , John Sayles ' new film that was shown at the prestigious Sundance Film Festival in America and in the market at Cannes .
20 The masher turned his attention from the girl to Neil and moved towards him menacingly .
21 Mrs Sutcliffe , wearing dark tinted glasses , listened carefully in the packed public benches as Mr Lightman read out an affidavit by Oliver Duke , once the boyfriend of Mail on Sunday reporter Barbara Jones , in which he admitted taking part in a scheme to get the money secretly from the newspaper to Mrs Sutcliffe .
22 Altogether the Grand Trunk Canal had five tunnels and seventy-six locks on its ninetythree mile course from the Mersey to Shardlow , near which it entered the Trent .
23 Mass lobbying , research and monitoring lorries are among the tactics planned in a campaign that would unite various communities , groups , and more than 6,000 petitioners from the Dales to Teesside .
24 After deductions for loans from the subsidiary to Cabra , and for the stake in the Fulham ground , the net cost to Chelsea would be about £10m .
25 Information on a computer disc a database giving details of the crew of a spaceship , or a message transmitted through space from the crew to settlers on a distant planet .
26 A linear line charge of pl coulomb per unit length extends from the origin to z = ∞ .
27 Finance Act 1981 ( now TA 1988 , s740 ) has not changed that fundamental point although charges can arise in respect of payments out from the trust to beneficiaries .
28 The small resort village of Fluelen at the end of the lake was for centuries an important lake port and customs station where goods were trans-shipped from the lake to mule transport for carriage over the Gotthard .
29 His lively stroll from the Chartists to Kinnock ( To Build a New Jerusalem : the Labour Movement from the 1880s to the 1990s , Michael Joseph , £18.99 ) is almost always affectionate towards its subjects .
30 Collias — from the north to Orange or Avignon via the A7 autoroute from Lyon .
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