Example sentences of "from the [noun pl] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There 's also a baseline heavy enough to hang half a dozen DJs from , and a funk aesthetic that you can currently detect in everyone from the Sandals to Galliano , Brand New Heavies to D-Influence .
2 Peter Mansfield , a distinguished British commentator on the Middle East , sketches its history from the Sumerians to Napoleon 's invasion of Egypt in 1798 and takes a more detailed look at events thereafter , right up to the Gulf War .
3 In the mid-1680s Coxe began to acquire property in West New Jersey , and in 1687 he purchased the proprietary rights of the province from the heirs to Edward Byllynge .
4 I do not wish to exclude him from such private and individual arenas , for to do so would be to fly in the face of Christian tradition from the fathers to C. S. Lewis and Cardinal Suenens ( 1982 ) in our own time .
5 Mass lobbying , research and monitoring lorries are among the tactics planned in a campaign that would unite various communities , groups , and more than 6,000 petitioners from the Dales to Teesside .
6 His lively stroll from the Chartists to Kinnock ( To Build a New Jerusalem : the Labour Movement from the 1880s to the 1990s , Michael Joseph , £18.99 ) is almost always affectionate towards its subjects .
7 Leeds City will get enough revenue from the visitors to Leeds for the duration of the competition .
8 He turned back into the town , away from the buses to George 's road , towards the public house .
9 Scraps of paper were passed relentlessly from the skiers to Hans — ‘ Any time you 're in Swindon — anytime .
10 Where the board can effectively determine its own composition it has generally been assumed that it becomes immune from direct shareholder influence and hence that control has shifted from the owners to managers .
11 The fact that soothsayers were employed by rulers from the Pharaohs to Hitler is perhaps unsurprising .
12 In the unpublished ‘ Epilogue ’ to that work , we learn that Shadowfax will be saved too , to be taken on the last ship from the Havens to Aman , simply because Gandalf could not bear the parting .
13 You get the feeling that this is a film made as a gift from the writers to Brando , who probably fancied the idea of a few laughs before it 's too late .
14 You get the feeling that this is a film made as a gift from the writers to Brando , who probably fancied the idea of a few laughs before it 's too late .
15 After nine months in office he still is uncertain whether to go fast or slow on any issue from the Russians to oil slicks .
16 It was arranged that they would take the horses down to the railway sidings where there was enough light from the warehouses to school in the evenings , and Biddy would come twice during the week and once at the weekend , for two hours each time .
17 From the references to glass-fibre and resin you will gather that GRP — glass-fibre reinforced plastic or glass-fibre reinforced polymer — is a composite .
18 Outside in the courtyard lay brothers were moving baggage from the carts to sumpter ponies whose iron-shod hooves scraped the cobbles , their hot breath hanging like clouds as they whinnied in protest at being taken from their warm stables .
19 Instead of talking from the stalls to actors in front of one another , he would always shamble up onto the stage with his peculiar hedgehog gait and take them aside separately .
20 Nine days later , on 28 September , there was an outing from The Kilns to Whipsnade Zoo .
21 From the Romans to World War II
22 Even the Emperor himself was struck by this outcry , for in the last remaining days of peace his every appearance on the streets , driving from the Tuileries to Saint Cloud , provoked cries of ‘ A bas la Prusse ! ’ ,
23 He and Evgenia decided to move from the Lakes to Suffolk , where the East Coast rivers offered a paradise of variety for a coasting sailor and Ransome found that ‘ there were always web-footed children to help with the rigging , or to drink ginger pop ’ .
24 To the north , the land rose slowly from the marshes to Althorne ridge about a mile and a half inland ; to the south there seemed nothing at all , only a grey-green , indeterminate merging of water , land and sky , beginningless and endless .
25 Our conversations range from the Arts to Child Psychology .
26 Over the years , control of fusion flowed from the laboratories to Washington .
27 Born in Vienna of Jewish parents he studied law and economics before fleeing from the Nazis to Sweden in 1938 [ see p. 23912 ] .
28 But I decided to give my countryman a chance , not that I 'd moved four thousand miles to be shown around London by a fellow American , and a hick from the provinces to boot .
29 The new novel has married the pair and moved them on into the mid-Sixties and from the provinces to London , where Patrick works misgivingly in a fashionable publishing-house .
30 You are not at a loss and can choose , from the textbooks to hand , the derivation that looks best , or that is closest to that of the lecturer .
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