Example sentences of "from the [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 To dismiss this comment simply as Bridgeman being a poacher turned gamekeeper would be to miss the point , which is that the war had allowed the Conservatives to become gamekeepers again , whereas from 1902 to 1914 there had been genuine concern that they might be permanently banished from the estates of power .
2 The products from the reactions with carbonyl complexes are often insoluble involatile black powders , but preparing them by using slow diffusion sometimes gives sufficient crystal growth for X-ray structure determination .
3 From rates derived from the occupiers of property .
4 Mr Robert Maxwell suggests that some aspects of the successful ambulatory care initiative in New York could be adapted by the capital 's primary care providers while the secondary services might learn from the rationalisation of specialist services in Paris .
5 On Monday , more academics swam in Johnson 's travelling aquarium : Principal Campbell , Professor Ross and a Dr Gerard , who had ‘ come six miles from the country on purpose ’ .
6 Parliament listed a number of goods , known as the ‘ enumerated articles ’ , which the colonies were not allowed to send anywhere outside the empire , and which were to be carried out only in ships from England or from the country of origin .
7 This organisation happily ploughs a furrow totally at odds with the notion of free trade , by making it as difficult as Possible for non-German companies to sell their wares in Germany without DIN approval — even where EEC law says that the only approval necessary is from the country of origin .
8 BT 's involvement in the provision of business information services derived originally from the development of delivery systems such as Prestel and e-mail ( Telecom Gold ) .
9 THE GREAT American transport adventure , with its twin rival thrusts from the railways and highways , was inseparable from the development of energy use and the country 's future .
10 Only when a significant amount of food preparation moved from the home to food factories and when people became considerably more interested in what they were eating in the 1960s was there pressure to have more informative labels .
11 DETECTIVES are investigating the theft of £300,000 of gems belonging to a high-class madam from the home of actor David Niven 's son .
12 These figures , emanating from the Council of Mortgage Lenders , are challenged by Janet Ford who claims that they underestimate the number of people in arrears because they rely upon cross-sectional data , drawn from the experience of only the largest mortgage lenders .
13 The last few years have been stressful for teacher education , for it has not only experienced the constant need for self- defence of higher education generally , but also special pressures from the Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education ( CATE ) , set up in 1984 , and the new funding arrangements for in-service education started in 1986 ( which effectively wiped out the source of student funding for most full-time award-bearing courses ) .
14 She now has a bill of £500 from the council for over-payment of housing benefit , a sum that she has difficulty in repaying on a net income after rent of £23 a week .
15 THE WORLD Health Organisation has once again turned down an application from the Council for Infant Formula Companies ( ICIFI ) to affiliate to the Geneva-based organisation .
16 A more measured view is taken in a report from the Council for Science and Society , a group of leading figures mainly from academia and industry .
17 The pattern derives , through A Directory for the Public Worship of God ( 1644 ) , from the order of service used by the Protestant exiles in Geneva approved by ‘ that famous and godly learned man ’ , John Calvin .
18 There will usually follow some negotiations with the promoters and these may lead to an amendment to the order , to the insertion of a protective clause to meet the various objections , or , quite frequently , to an undertaking being given apart from the order in consideration of the withdrawal of the petition .
19 De Gaulle 's suspicion of political parties was explicitly anti-parliamentarian : ‘ it is from the head of state , placed above parties and elected more widely than just by Parliament that executive power must proceed ’ .
20 However others take a very different view , as this comment from the head of music at ‘ Pope John Paul ’ illustrates :
21 Much of this had come about as a direct result of the introduction of the GCSE , as these comments from the Head of Art at ‘ Pope John Paul ’ reveal :
22 In addition , as we have seen from remarks made by the music and drama specialists , once children have acquired this type of understanding they tend to be very honest about their work , as shown in the following comments from the Head of Art at Redbrook Secondary :
23 The second came from the head of Captain , Colin Calderwood .
24 In other departments the approach to assessment was deliberately kept as informal and flexible as possible , as in the following extended quotation from the Head of Drama at ‘ Pope John Paul ’ , which illustrates that this type of apparent informality can be just as thorough and searching , if not more so , than many supposedly more objective methods :
25 Yes I erm I would like to point out that we are looking er very closely at the sales and I 've just had a report on my desk from the head of finance which is the beginning of the discussions in the management team on er the sales erm and relation of loss of sales to profit and so on and the now we , the shop is in that position we 've had time t we have more time to assess how things are working out .
26 For example , it might be very useful to get verbal agreement , in principle , from the head of computing studies for the release of a microcomputer for the duration of the project .
27 The results of recent behind-the-scenes attempts by Mr Cecil Parkinson , the Transport Secretary , to win extra funds from the Treasury for transport infrastructure are due to be unveiled this week .
28 He looked up from the puddle of sepia .
29 In fact the meeting was forestalled by the deposition of Edward V , but by then the government had raised some £1,680 from the bishops in anticipation of a grant .
30 In fact the meeting was forestalled by the deposition of Edward V , but by then the government had raised some £1,680 from the bishops in anticipation of a grant .
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