Example sentences of "from [pers pn] [conj] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It appears from them that at the time of their earlier meeting , presumably during his long visit to England in 1086 , Gunhilda had been captivated by his talk , and he by her attachment :
2 Even if the rules were obeyed , the system was clearly oppressive both to the families whose best sons were torn from them and to the young boys who would never see their parents again .
3 Several republics had objected to the size of contributions being sought from them and to the division of tax revenues , while the USSR Supreme Soviet had run out of discussion time because of arguments over defence spending .
4 If the law of any country in which this policy operates , requires General Accident to settle a claim which we would not otherwise have paid , we reserve the right to recover this amount from you or from the person who incurred liability .
5 If the law of any country in which this policy operates , requires General Accident to settle a claim which we would not otherwise have paid , we reserve the right to recover this amount from you or from the person who incurred liability .
6 If the law of any country in which this policy covers you , requires General Accident to settle a claim which we would not otherwise have' paid we reserve the right to recover this amount from you or from the person who incurred liability .
7 If the law of any country in which this policy covers you , requires General Accident to settle a claim which we would not otherwise have paid we reserve the right to recover this amount from you or from the person who incurred liability .
8 If the law of any country in which this policy covers you , requires General Accident to settle a claim which we would not otherwise have paid we reserve the right to recover this amount from you or from the person who incurred liability .
9 If the law of any country in which this policy covers you , requires General Accident to settle a claim which we would not otherwise have paid we reserve the right to recover this amount from you or from the person who incurred liability .
10 They want to place on record the generous support that they 've had from you and for the , yes in a moment , the seconder of the emergency motion for er moving her support .
11 Sarin did n't want to tell me , then he said I 'd know soon enough , and better from him than over the radio .
12 Here is now , left edge of the penalty area , moving towards the byline and doing well there to take it away from him but at the expense of a throw-in , that 's taken back to Alan , is twenty yards back from the byline and moving back out towards the touchline on the far side .
13 If it accepts the offers , the finance company will have agreed with the dealer to buy the goods from him and with the customer to supply the goods to him on hire-purchase ( or credit sale or conditional sale ) terms .
14 And his quality show earned the praise of manager Steve Gritt , who said : ‘ That is the best all-round performance I 've seen from him and for the second game in succession he 's earned us a draw . ’
15 She walked hastily from him and into the store-room , and he followed her , and they were just about to confront each other again when the back door leading into the yard opened and there , revealed in the gaslight , was Jessie .
16 Lowell , aware that his visitor 's attention was deflected from him and onto the compost heap , was puzzled .
17 ‘ All dressed ready for your important engagement , I see , ’ he drawled , his eyes going once more over her bedroom attire , and , if that was n't enough to ignite sparks of fury in her , his mocking tone abruptly fell away as his glance went from her and to the hall — in which direction she knew he was aware there was at least one bedroom .
18 Oh yeah , at night , anyway because at night he 's alone and he 's from it and during the day , I know , I know my brother as I ca n't rely on the , and , and , you know , and look at , Michelle would look at , at him all the time , but , put , put the thing on you know .
19 If the pre-1936 right can thus be considered ‘ objectively ’ fascist , it obviously follows that the same is true of the wartime alliance that emerged from it and of the Franco regime forged after October 1936 .
20 Without going into the detail of the Old Bailey case , two general points emerge from it and from the Florida case .
21 Everything else might be changed by the demands of story and of ratiocination — there are clear differences , for instance , between the accounts of that scene in the 1925 poem ‘ Light as Leaf on Lindentree ’ and in Aragorn 's song on Weathertop — but to the vision itself he remained true , working out from it as from the detailed paintings of Lake Mithrim , Nargothrond , Gondolin , etc. , which he made in the 1920s ( see Pictures 32–6 ) .
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