Example sentences of "from [adj] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Tot hurled from stolen car in crash
2 Expert combines the Expert Transputer compiler family from Associated Computer with PACT 's Parallel C Compiler and run-time system to provide a stand-alone , or complete , set of tools for T400 , T800 and T9000 application development .
3 Expert combines the Expert Transputer compiler family from Associated Computer with PACT 's Parallel C Compiler and run-time system to provide a stand-alone , or complete , set of tools for T400 , T800 and T9000 application development .
4 While there is a substantial mechanical input from the machine this is mainly in the form of water agitation , either from high or low water sprays , or from turbulent flow in circulation systems .
5 Chairman Ken Bates acted after a run of 12 matches without a win that has seen the club eliminated from both major cup competitions and slump from title-chasing territory to mid-table .
6 Attitudes to homosexuality and lesbianism in our society range from complete rejection to acceptance of it as a valid alternative to a heterosexual preference .
7 Because the resources of the Redundant Churches Fund are fairly slight related to the large number of churches which are falling into disuse , it should be equally clear that conversion is often the only way in which a creditable building can be saved from complete destruction through neglect and vandalism .
8 Rounded values for lifetime risk from prolonged exposure to radon , and its daughters , in the home are given in Table 2 .
9 As Figure 4.1 indicates , early retirement was the major route out of the labour market , from economic activity to inactivity .
10 As with unemployment itself , semi-skilled and unskilled workers are over-represented among those who are ‘ discouraged ’ from economic activity by lack of employment opportunities , including some of the early retired .
11 Erm that offic regarding productivity from economic impact of land reform , official statistics claimed that between nineteen forty nine to fifty four gross output value of agriculture increased by fifty eight percent .
12 Droitwich was supposed to be a textile centre , but evidently not even the Act of 1534 had saved clothing from total eclipse by salt burning ; the town 's poverty being symptomatic of chronic unemployment which the hazards of the salt trade did little to alleviate .
13 The former is loam , that is top-soil taken from a meadow and then sterilised ; the other is the semi-decayed remains of sedges or mosses that are preserved from total decomposition in peat bogs by a blanket of water and acidity .
14 It saw a role for internal assessment ( internal to the school ) in helping to release the school curriculum from total control by examination syllabuses originating outside of the school .
15 These illnesses are manifest by a wide variety of symptoms from paranoid delusions or auditory hallucinations to total withdrawal from normal communication into silence or bizarre , apparently meaningless jargon , and they have in common some degree of loss of contact with reality .
16 Then why not listen to DC Talk ( the ‘ DC ’ stands for ‘ decent Christian ’ ) rapping about everything from divine providence to abortion ( ‘ Yo , children can live without it ’ ) .
17 But their discouragement stems mainly from confusing self-confidence with certainty , so that quite unnecessarily they tend to despise their own much weaker faith .
18 The General Accident will insure you for all sums which you become legally liable to pay for loss of metered water resulting directly from accidental damage to water pipes and apparatus providing service to the buildings described in the schedule .
19 4* and 5* policies cover all sums for which the policyholder becomes legally liable to pay for loss of metered water resulting directly from accidental damage to water pipes and apparatus providing service to the buildings described in the schedule .
20 Apart from accidental injury at birth , accidents can occur at any time in life which may cause mental handicap .
21 China therefore regards any challenge to its sovereignty over Tibet as intolerable interference and any threat from inside Tibet as treason .
22 One small memory stands out : in the street was a treadle sewing machine , removed from one of the houses and on the top of this item rescued from possible loss by fire — two quite green apples .
23 The aim was to protect youngsters from dogs , as well as from possible infection from dog faeces .
24 The ascent of the Labour Party in West Ham during the early interwar years can be thought coterminous with its emergence from political obscurity to power in the metropolis as a whole , but there are considerable theoretical and empirical problems in the equation that challenge any such identification .
25 Finally , on 17th August 1801 , Commander Dundas was appointed acting captain of the newly commissioned San Antonio , having completed the transition from junior lieutenant to post-captain in just over one year .
26 From junior reporter to celebrity
27 In its view this change would shift priorities from local to national interest and from regional economics to conservation .
28 Weak forestry services are subordinate to production figures and dominated by wealthy elites , often politicians , who stand to gain tremendously from short-term liquidation of forest assets .
29 Suppose , however , that we resisted Wittgenstein 's attempt to push us from weak-kneed scepticism to solipsism ; we find the relevant argument ( see 5.4 ) unconvincing , perhaps .
30 The quinolone and azaquinolone products that were subsequently developed — oxolinic acid ( 3 ) , cinoxacin ( 4 ) , piromidic acid ( 5 ) and pipemidic acid ( 6 ) — did not differ greatly from nalidixic acid in activity or use .
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