Example sentences of "but not [adv] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In the 1950s and 60s dowries in India went down generally because gold was controlled , but not so in East Africa , where dowries rose as though they would never stop .
2 The whole boat plunged , but not now in rhythm with the staggering of Maurice and Edward .
3 Although versions of all the papers in the collection have been published elsewhere ( but not always in English ) , they are cited here in these easily available versions except where the date or other details of the original publications are particularly relevant .
4 In theory , but not usually in practice , the total mass of products of a chemical process should equal the total mass of reactants used in the process .
5 I do it often , but not usually in print .
6 Environmental protection and wealth creation are in tension but not necessarily in conflict , and indeed there can be little hope of improving the quality of the environment without the resources to do so .
7 They were to be allowed to use some of the gentry 's farmland , but not necessarily in perpetuity and only in return for labour services or cash .
8 In most of the accounts of animal abuse , be they in factory farm or primate laboratory , even the more sensitive monkeys are portrayed in similar ways : comatose , agitated , even neurotic , often with serious injuries , but not necessarily in pain .
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