Example sentences of "but he [verb] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Frank is driven out in the darkest darkness in Leeds , but he got a golden oppurtunity when he was selected for Drillos squad to play USA [ and Costa Rica — killers of Sweden in last WC for those who remember — my comm. ] later this month .
2 And I had Avenger estate , and I done the same with that and I got away with it for ages and I what you want a do , I know what you wan na do he erm , I mean that 's that 's really sort of pushing it over the top but he got a great big sheet of polythene , he went down to ready mix and had a load of ready mix in the back of this Avenger estate , brand new he 'd only just got it !
3 The affair did not last long , but he got a short story out of it .
4 But he got a 50 per cent rise for taking the £120,000 CBI job .
5 They got the Hunter-Blair column and they got Girlie but he prevented a great many other things .
6 He was a loyal member of the Copenhagen school but he displayed a greater flexibility than most in the expression of his understanding .
7 The next evening my father was brought home in a German car , but he seemed a broken man .
8 But he felt a tremendous sense of awe at the invitation to visit the President as an equal .
9 His teachers at his Plymouth school threw scorn on the idea of going to a redbrick university when he could have chosen Oxford , but he felt a strong pull towards oil engineering and displayed the stubborn streak that was later to characterise his industrial career .
10 Ford was a decent man , and a kind one , but he had a worrying nervousness that aggravated d'Alembord 's patience .
11 Mesmerized by the Public Prosecutor 's performance , no one had yet noticed him , but he had a nasty feeling that this was about to change .
12 His hair was thinning on top but he had a small ponytail at the back .
13 But he had a keen interest in a deal .
14 He does not cite Roman law sources very often , but he had a practical turn of mind and was active in curial business and administration .
15 He was forty-one years old , but he had a young face , like a boy .
16 He had n't known where to go , but he had a good instinct for direct , and he 'd reckoned as how a gateway had to be in the shell , far away from the heat sink as could be .
17 His features were regular but he had a distinct cast in one eye , so that he could n't stare straight at her without looking somewhere else .
18 But he had a dark side , too , as I 'm sure everybody knows , and Seve Ballesteros could n't lace Weiskopf 's boots when it came to bad temper on the course . ’
19 But he had a mild , good-humoured , articulate side , verging on the academic , abjuring the sensational .
20 At that time Poole , like John , had to rely on stage presence more than technique , but he had a powerful personality and a quick intelligent appreciation of character which enabled him to give memorable performances in many of John 's early ballets .
21 But he had a fixed idea in his mind that to be a bishop was not his work .
22 He seemed austere and I never saw him with a hair out of place , or a button undone , but he had a healthy Dutch appetite .
23 He has not , as a source , the shrewdness of his friend Charles Greville [ q.v. ] , nor the sharp asperity of his contemporary J. W. Croker [ q.v. ] ; but he had a greater sense of humour than either .
24 He might be all the rotters of the universe , but he had a gentle , magical touch with the child .
25 There was no night-porter , but he had a key and he let himself in to the deserted lobby .
26 But he had a deep affection for his wife , and she for him .
27 In no way had he been consciously sadistic over the earlier years , but he had a deep fear of women who took over , as his mother had done .
28 But he had a wide following in the United States , and several American orthopaedic surgeons visited him .
29 Angalo had found a pebble that was almost the right shape to attach to a twig with strips torn off his coat ; he 'd never seen a stone axe in his life , but he had a definite feeling that there were useful things that could be done with a stone tied to the end of a stick .
30 He was a great melodist , but he had a real struggle being caught up in the machinery of making hits .
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