Example sentences of "but it [vb past] that [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'm sorry to hear that , ’ the young man could not be sure , but it seemed that the child 's eyes were glittering with unshed tears .
2 But it seemed that the Parents ' Association thought fifty pounds a week for merely one phase of the competition excessive .
3 But it seemed that the longed-for reunion with his family was not to take place .
4 At first I thought it was imagination , but it seemed that the breathing was becoming less stertorous .
5 But it meant that an important part of Belinda 's work was to be on the alert for this kind of upset and do everything she could to minimise its effect .
6 Being in with the gang did n't stop you getting hit but it meant that the Corporals might think for one second before lifting their fists Along with Mike the Rhodesian , Marius , Robert from Oberammergau and Chris , there was myself and a Frenchman called Tignet .
7 This was largely unexpected by civil servants at the Board , though not by Churchill , but it meant that the educational problems of an extension and perpetuation of the existing system were minimised .
8 It said that its study had not discovered any conclusive evidence on the damage done to humans by low-level exposure , but it stated that the lack of information and knowledge of the effects of exposure to low doses of the chemicals over a long period had led the working party to adopt the precautionary principle that absence of evidence was not evidence of absence .
9 But it warned that the latest hike in interest rates could have serious repercussions for its UK customers by weakening demand .
10 The Report criticised the crew of the Croydon for not doing more to rectify the compass problems which they had experienced and for relying too heavily on D/F bearings , but it implied that the Darwin W/T station should not have stated the bearings of ‘ night error ’ , they should have known they were nothing of the sort .
11 Well , no one could make that out , but it transpired that the lad had a sense of humour .
12 The experiment was short-lived and a failure ; but it suggested that the young king might not be able to reckon as a matter of course on wielding all the powers of his great predecessor .
13 But it helped that the one Test forward was Paul Ackford who , still less than a year into his international career , is a phenomenon , consistently winning his own line-out ball , securing kick-offs and loose possession , and cover-tackling more in the manner of a flanker than a lock .
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