Example sentences of "but also [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Each stage may give rise to motions not only of greater complexity but also involving smaller scales than the previous stages .
2 Japanese department stores differ from those in the West in that they not only sell goods but also organise cultural events of importance .
3 The members ' rights of ownership entitle them not only to make decisions personally about how their property is to be used , but also to delegate that power to others , and they are free to stipulate what degree of control they require over the discretion ceded by them .
4 They are qualified not only to check whether you need glasses but also to spot early signs of any serious eye troubles , as well as some other kinds of disease , and to recommend referral to a specialist when necessary .
5 Thus , CR-1409 not only abrogates the tropic effect of CCK on pancreatic growth but also inhibits functional stimulation of the exocrine cell .
6 These compounds not only prevent schistosomiasis , but also prevent abnormal cell-division .
7 For example , carbon in fresh water can have a variety of sources , including atmospheric carbon dioxide , but also soil humic material and limestone ( calcium carbonate ) .
8 Even when narrowly conceived , the figures do not solely focus upon the CU effect of membership but also embrace other effects of membership such as the outcome for visible trade of the CAP .
9 Commonly , too , human activity creates habitats that are in a constant state of flux , which may open the way for pioneer species ( such as ragwort and dock — the kind commonly regarded as ‘ weeds ’ ) but also produces rapid successions of species .
10 Not only can he build up and improve the fertility of his land , but also exploit that fertility up to and beyond its latent potential .
11 Gil Robles had a ‘ tactic ’ of his own , involving a gradual advance towards ‘ full power ’ and a transformation of the Republic into what , it seemed likely , would be a ‘ corporate state ’ inspired by Catholic principles but also bearing some resemblance to Italian fascism .
12 This important oath not only bound Barbarossa never to recognise Alexander as pope , but also bound imperial successors as well as the bishops and princes .
13 These will not only defend existing markets , but also help European companies penetrate the growing markets of the rest of the world .
14 The Gyle project not only has a permanent site safety supervisor , Stewart Adam , but also receives regular visits from a regional health and safety advisor .
15 With the Strategic Intent as our guiding principle , the company intends to demonstrate leadership , not only in its ability to respond quickly to new circumstances and challenges , but also to set new standards of customer service , product innovation and employee commitment .
16 The buildings were based upon late Roman designs but also displayed Oriental features especially in decoration and their use of brickwork in constructional and ornamental forms .
17 This major display of maps and related map-making equipment not only aroused considerable public interest during the three months the exhibition was open , but also generated new links with individuals and institutions in Scotland and elsewhere .
18 A further example is when companies wish not only to grow internally , but also to acquire other companies as a means of strengthening their market position or indeed of entering new markets .
19 He seldom moves away from the viewpoint of a professor in a well-established university , whose vocation is not only its own reward but also deserves public support for its ultimate benefits to humanity .
20 This is not confined to those that have a direct moral influence , like the monarchy and the church , but also touches other structures , like the Stock Exchange and the City , which previously drew their strength from adhering to a strict code of honour and trust .
21 Pictures not only freezing for ever moments of history , but also providing ample testimony to the endeavours of photographers themselves .
22 The same process went on in every town and city ; the opening of a prestigious down-town house symbolized a social acceptance of movies amidst the fashionable down-town set but also created new standards and expectations which permeated downwards to other venues and these gradually made it easier for a number of managers to pull in women , children , families , and the respectable classes .
23 Kuhn 's paradigms are not only intellectual frameworks but also accompanying institutional practices .
24 Clients now became appreciative of specialisms and saw the basic good sense of employing the building specialist , not only to put right a defect , but also to refurbish entire buildings .
25 Makita power tools are the very best quality and are built to industrial standards , not only to take hard work , but also to incorporate many safety features .
26 ‘ That 's friendly ! ’ he shouted over the engine noise , and he pointed through the windscreen at the concrete airstrip which not only had the yellow cross painted huge at its western end , but also had two trucks parked in its centre line , thus making it impossible for any plane to land .
27 Darlington Tory candidate Michael Fallon said Labour could spend a quarter of the £1m in borough council coffers on housing , but also had outstanding debts for constructing council properties .
28 However , this fails to acknowledge a fundamental axiom of social work practice ; namely that language not only reflects but also shapes social reality .
29 Socially useful design not merely exposes , criticises and challenges this process , but also presents constructive alternatives .
30 For the first time since Heaven , Ace thought of Julian , and the times they had sat in worn green leather armchairs , the hum of traffic from the A40 outside making waves in their glasses , knowing that the barman thought they were underage but also knowing that Ace intimidated him so much that he would n't say anything .
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