Example sentences of "but there have been a " in BNC.

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1 But there 've been a number of changes over the years , certainly prior to nineteen seventy four that would be the case , water boards supplying water , local councils treating treating the sewage , and the rivers authorities looking after the river pollution aspects .
2 It was years since he 'd been there , but there had been a time when he 'd gone every week , sometimes twice .
3 Generally they were booked months ahead , but there had been a cancellation on one leaving almost at once .
4 R : Everyone felt that the campaign had been worthwhile , but there had been a lot of tensions and problems to deal with and so that affected how we all felt at the end .
5 But there had been a full moon last night , a bomber 's moon with all London laid out clearly for the Luftwaffe pilots .
6 Their contents had usually turned out to be machine parts but there had been a couple of times when he had found something a little more palatable — once a case of French Burgundy , on another occasion a case of German hock .
7 But there had been a certain amount of argument with the police and one National Socialist was arrested for obstructing the footway .
8 The river was n't visible , but there had been a lot of rain over that week and one corner of the field had flooded , leaving a shallow temporary loch reflecting the tarnished dark silver of the clouds ; its waters were still and flat .
9 But there had been a long-standing dispute between managers , parents and the county over school premises .
10 Miss Philimore had behaved pleasantly enough , but there had been a calculating set to her narrow mouth that made such a gesture seem unlikely in the extreme .
11 But there had been a time , early in the nineteenth century , in Shelley 's day , where the head and the heart had stood a chance of marching forward together .
12 The ‘ blockbuster ’ bombs were part of the IRA 's economic war , but there had been a tendency for people to despair of the political process , he warned .
13 It had the effect of stabilising the brain but there had been a risk that it would suppress functions such as respiration .
14 But there have been a series of large withdrawals since then .
15 No one has ever refused to go up , but there have been a few that needed coaxing down ! ’
16 The main focus of the project is still leisure , but there have been a number of important changes .
17 But there have been a few problems in trying to explain to the Chinese the finer points of a fish supper .
18 Er but there have been a lot of issues and we 've done well in that field but of course it does n't produce the same kind of fee income as the M and A activity .
19 And say erm where he would be best used but there have been a couple of errors caused by his bad eyesight .
20 In Norway and Denmark there continue to be high levels of popular support for state-provided welfare but there has been a marked and sustained shift against state control and intervention in the economy .
21 The chap there said , ‘ I really should n't tell you this , but there has been a political dispute over the spelling of ecu . ’
22 Sales of traditional industrial life insurance policies plunged by half , but there has been a growth in endowment policies .
23 But there has been a gradual shift in attitudes within this bastion of British ballet .
24 Before the 1972 Act , it was usual for principal authorities to have a fairly standard pattern of senior officials — a medical officer of health , an engineer and surveyor , a chief education officer and so on , but there has been a development towards different breakdowns of functions and new titles .
25 Spokesman Peter Kessler said : ‘ Negotiations are progressing pretty well , but there has been a little bit of foot-dragging on the Serbian side . ’
26 ‘ The going is not too difficult but there has been a lot of avalanche debris left after the monsoon . ’
27 But there has been a continuation of interest in ‘ ideology ’ and it is in Marx 's work that the cause ceases to be found predominantly in psychological processes leading to false notions .
28 Graeme Fowler , Gehan Mendis and the skipper Neil Fairbrother have all been ruled out with injuries , but there has been a plus side with the way young lads like Nick Speak , Graham Lloyd , Steve Titchard and Peter Martin have responded .
29 At a more popular level , CEPRA has organised occasional radio production workshops for community groups and trades unions , but there has been a growing awareness of the need for more structured , in-depth training schemes .
30 So many record companies are only interested in kids — but there has been a change , more people are listening to classical type music at an earlier age .
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