Example sentences of "but it [be] [vb pp] [that] " in BNC.

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1 It is accepted that some conception of a set of conditions for an effect is used , but it is denied that this is the conception of a causal circumstance .
2 The interpretation of the super-structures naturally presents greater problems , but it is argued that most had gabled roofs with rafters resting on wall plates below head height .
3 Strictly speaking , collocations represent syntagmatic and paradigmatic knowledge rather than semantic , but it is argued that they represent the implicit application of syntactic , semantic and pragmatic knowledge [ Sharman , 1990 ] , and for reasons of simplicity have been referred to as a source of semantic information .
4 Evaluation is identified as the fourth and final style of the planning cycle but it is emphasised that evaluation is not simply something that comes as a ‘ big bang ’ at the end of the process , but that it is required throughout .
5 They part , but it is arranged that they can meet again any day in White Friars , near Chester 's Inn , at seven in the morning .
6 The old system had fallen into disrepute because of its widespread use as a tax dodge , and because it encouraged conifer planting , but it is recognised that grants are not as effective .
7 State 6 to State 4 — usually after a faulty item has been checked ( eg. cleaned ) and found to be good , but it is decided that no further data should be added to the item .
8 State 6 to state 4 — usually after a faulty item has been checked ( eg. cleaned ) and found to be good , but it is decided that no further data should be added to the item
9 ‘ Sir Alexander Seton is an excellent knight , but it is felt that a greater figure in the kingdom should hold this royal stronghold , in the King 's name .
10 ‘ or disorderly behaviour ’ This point is not defined but it is felt that any conduct which is not orderly and is not covered by ‘ threatening , abusive , or insulting words or behaviour ’ would suffice .
11 There are dicta in Vestey which indicate that Herdman v IRC may not be good law , but it is felt that the Revenue probably have the better argument on a simple reading of the legislation .
12 Clearly , 1992 will pose many opportunities ( and threats ) to companies within the EC , but it is felt that things will not change overnight ; it will be more of a slow transitionary period and it could well take decades before we see an integration similar to that in the USA today .
13 We apologise for the outspokenness of this letter , but it is felt that if we are to continue as a national organisation of good standing , we must put our house in order before it is too late .
14 This allows a comparison to be made between markets in countries that are at a different stage in their development , but it is assumed that their development will follow a similar pattern .
15 This mental health orientation leads to a more pessimistic outlook on patient needs — they not only require treatment , but it is assumed that it must be compulsory — and there is a tendency towards a ‘ presumption of risk ’ — that the presence of mental illness makes the situation inherently risky .
16 None is stated in the sub-section , but it is assumed that the accused must intend to use the article in the course of or in connection with the burglary , theft or cheat , and he must know that he has the article with him .
17 But it is believed that between 50,000 and 100,000 people in this country , who are free of symptoms are likely to be carrying the virus .
18 But it is believed that a takeover of Paribas by a foreign entity seems politically improbable .
19 But it is believed that several dozen members of the last Parliament are still members .
20 The dolphins ' opinion of Miss Goddard was not recorded but it is believed that they would be unlikely to demur from her conclusion .
21 But the Working Party did not need to dally with morbidity indicators , since ‘ the reasons for the pattern of differential Regional mortality are not wholly understood but it is believed that Regional differences in morbidity explain the greater part of it and that statistics of relative differences in Regional morbidity , if they existed , would exhibit the same pattern as those for mortality ’ ( DHSS , 1976b , p. 16 ) .
22 In 1972 the number of houses used as second homes in Britain as a whole was estimated at 372000 , but it is believed that this number has declined in recent years due to the inflation in house prices since that date .
23 The police investigation is continuing , but it is believed that two plastic barrels containing some 300 lb of home-made explosive were placed beside the roadside hedge and detonated by command wire from a vantage point overlooking the scene .
24 The Bill is bound to be extensively amended before it reaches the statute book — at the time of writing 16 , amendments have been put down by the Government and 25 of them are of major importance — but it is believed that few if any of these amendments will affect settlements under which there is subsisting an interest in possession .
25 Greg Dyke , chairman of ITV Sport , would not go into details but it is believed that ITV 's interest will extend to a sponsorship package that could be worth around £80m over four years .
26 But it is believed that the bank will not pull the plug in haste as its image would take a knock and the money it is owed would be unlikely to be recovered .
27 It is sad that so many have been lost or allowed to deteriorate , but it is hoped that those survivors which remain will be cherished and preserved as reminders of other days .
28 But it is hoped that in doing so , it will also help him to continue his untiring work for the Third World and enrich the lives of those poor people , particularly in Africa .
29 It was not known yesterday what the exact number of redundancies would be but it is hoped that they can be achieved voluntarily .
30 Negotiations are still being finalised , but it is hoped that 34072 will visit Bitton next year , possibly May , and work trains to Oldland Common .
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