Example sentences of "but [adv] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But fundamentally the instrumental approach fails to reconcile and explain contradictory tendencies .
2 Some of the houses stood out by dint of their brightly painted front doors but mostly the only sign of decoration was the washing on the lines and hanging from windows .
3 t If so-called ‘ so-called poststructuralism ’ is the product of a single historical moment , then that moment is probably not May 1968 but rather the Algerian War of Independence — no doubt itself both a symptom and a product .
4 What gives the Arabic version its sense of continuity is not , as in the case of English , the use of a series of identical themes ( I , I , I , … ) but rather the frequent thematization of processes as expressed in verbs , mainly ‘ saw ’ but also ‘ occupied ’ and ‘ pleases ’ .
5 In contrast with most other studies on exfoliative cytology for bile duct strictures this study has not focused on a particular primary site of tumour but rather the overall use of cytology with biliary strictures .
6 you can not protect the general theme or idea for a piece of sculpture , for example , but rather the fixed expression of it in stone or marble or , as mentioned , specific drawings in charcoal or some other medium worked on paper .
7 The functional link for this class of proteins may not be their own protein sequence , but rather the nucleic acid structures recognized by their binding domains .
8 What the mite is after , though , is not the blood of its host , but rather the regurgitated food usually produced so that the ant can feed each other and the ant larvae .
9 Its evocative power derived not only from its biblical roots , but also from the fact that it did not evoke clergy or hierarchy but rather the basic equality of all the baptized .
10 Benjamin seized his torch , brought the flame as near as he could and examined not the wounds , but rather the dead priest 's shabby , bloodstained tunic .
11 In 1863 it was all but gutted by a disastrous fire , but mercifully the ashlar-faced east façade remained entirely intact with its projected balustraded bay , its shell-headed niches , its eccentric demonstration of Doric , Ionic and Corinthian columns in three tiers — all in Purbeck stone .
12 The Pandavas are banished to the forest for 12 years , but eventually the great war comes …
13 A sudden fall in aggregate demand resulting from , for example , fiscal contraction , will , in the short run , produce a fall in output , but eventually the induced fall in the absolute
14 But eventually the servile condition of the peasants ( and the privileged status of nobles ) became hereditary , passed down from one generation to the next .
15 That pleased the smart set , but secretly the old money decided it was a bit tacky .
16 I think what what Mr Wincup was saying at the end of the day , is that the Inspector 's report and the conclusions on the greenbelt local plan will go back to the parent authority , the originating authority , which is North Yorkshire , equally my rec report , out recommendations on this alteration go back to North Yorkshire , they have to take regard to whatever we recommend , ultimately they will take a decision on that , erm depending on the decision other things may flow from it , and I ca n't really speculate on what those are at the moment , but effectively the final decision as to what they accept or reject will rest with North Yorkshire .
17 But perhaps the real reason is to do with games of Prisoner 's Dilemma .
18 But perhaps the early evening was better still ?
19 In general , the move is towards supporting the spoken language so that deaf children can more easily fit into the community as a whole , but perhaps the key insight from Tervoort 's study is the perception of the range of solution available to educators in different countries .
20 But perhaps the key aspect that will appeal to doctors in considering DRGS is their contribution to medical audit .
21 But perhaps the new assertiveness of British Muslims should be seen as a sign not of isolation but of integration .
22 WE ARE unlikely to learn many secrets of the soul when the Enterprise sallies forth next week in Star Trek V ; but perhaps the underwater movie is more conducive to introspection than questing journeys into outer space .
23 Many of the names on our contributors list have benefited from the scheme , but perhaps the final word on the subject should go to one of its most successful graduates : Davey Philips , co-founder of Edinburgh 's Clan Skates and winner of this year 's Prince 's Trust Award for Industry .
24 But perhaps the main shift in all professional fields is the gradual introduction of recurrent , continuing education which implies that a professional degree ( or even chartered and qualified status ) is only the initial stage in a much longer process .
25 But perhaps the main weapon in the Walsh armoury is his intelligent change of pace .
26 This is partly due to the relative costs of production and the public 's growing recognition that other countries can make good rugs ; but perhaps the main reason is simply that the output of workshops has increased dramatically in recent years .
27 It is difficult to understand why Clemens Alexandrinus called him a Peripatetic ( Strom. 1.72.4 ) , but perhaps the important point is that he was assigned to a philosophic school at all , because this was quite unusual for a Jew of the second century B.C. Aristobulus quoted Greek writers — authentic or forged — to support the truth of the Bible and the dependence of the Greeks on Jewish wisdom .
28 But perhaps the obvious disparity between individual talents and dispositions which clearly fit some for action more than others , the obvious tension involved between the pressures of active involvement in affairs and the inner detachment necessary for thought and contemplation , and the history of the development of Western institutional Christianity with its strong tradition of groups separated from the world in convents and monasteries , or priests distinguished from the laity by their religious calling , make it after all not so surprising that the discussions of active and contemplative life tended to stress their separation from each other rather than draw attention to a more fruitful affinity .
29 World spatial systems afford an enormous scope for review but perhaps the dominant trend has been towards the differentiation of the earth 's surface on a more realist dynamic basis to replace a more static arid functional treatment that had been current previously .
30 But perhaps the old goat 's loosening up a bit , if Crawlspace 's latest slice of free spirit improvisation is any indicator of where LGJ 's personal musical taste is heading these days .
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