Example sentences of "but [adv] [vb past] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Abe was a prominent candidate for the leadership in October 1987 , but eventually withdrew in favour of Noboru Takeshita , in what was widely believed to have been an agreement that he would succeed Takeshita after his two-year term .
2 Without stores or adequate sails they suffered great hardships , but eventually arrived in south-west Newfoundland , where Clerke knew the French Basques had fishing stations .
3 The spraying of the pesticide , Galecron , took place in 1976 , but only came to light during a recent Swiss TV programme .
4 There was a scientific hiatus and it took the Butt Report and the prodding of the C-in-C to trigger off an effort in this direction , GEE was an excellent start , but soon negated by jamming .
5 One young woman claimed to have wept her way into a degree but once started on work and a career , never used such tricks again .
6 He named it Stegman ( a steg is a male goose ) and it spent most of the summer on the reservoir but always wintered at West Birk Hatt .
7 In six patients , however , HBV-DNA disappeared from the serum but quickly reappeared after discontinuation of therapy , indicating that persistent absence of HBeAg is the best indicator for termination of the viral replicating phase .
8 At this time her intravenous infusion was removed and she seemed more relaxed but still complained of pain from her wound .
9 He had tried to remain calm but still seethed with fury at Maude 's continued intransigence in the face of his pleadings and questions : her only answer would be to bite her lip , shake her head and turn away in floods of tears .
10 The suggestion was that the people of the area were outwardly smart but inwardly seared with pain : bleeding inside .
11 After his release in the mid-1970s he became a successful businessman and hotelier but later went into exile in Rome , where he helped finance the USC , returning to Somalia in late 1990 .
12 The first of these Tracking and Data Relay Satellites entered orbit on board a space shuttle earlier this week , but later ran into trouble when its second booster failed .
13 The then Secretary of State , Mr. Mark Carlisle , had another in 1980 , but both sank without trace .
14 This helped promote political stability , but also led to friction within the government and with its supporters , disappointed in their expectation of a major improvement in living conditions .
15 Nor was it much higher among the clergy who found themselves not only heavily taxed without the discretionary right of refusal which they enjoyed in respect of royal taxes , but also threatened with excommunication and ecclesiastical penalties for non-compliance .
16 Further council documents show that the appropriate department and the council itself had in mind the ‘ effect of traffic attraction to the site upon the environment in the approach roads , ’ but also had in mind ‘ the employment potential of the use proposed in the planning application . ’
17 He was not only widely respected as a critic but also regarded with affection for the genuine humility which made him always interested in others ' opinions .
18 To , to , to my friend who 'd bought me a , you know , a pint of beer I would have said , ‘ We wanted , I wanted , not only annual licensing but also linked to training and food handling , otherwise it does n't mean anything . ’
19 The plan gave priority to environmental issues , but also provided for land reform , improved education and administrative and financial decentralization .
20 By raising the question of the Holy Places the French President not only gained ground at home but also set in train a long-term policy .
21 He spent most of his working life on cooker and roller floors in the Flake Mill , but also worked on grain intake in the silo .
22 The power of the passage lies not in mots justes but in the evocation of ideas at once old and new , familiar in outline but strongly redefined in context : like ‘ stocks and stones ’ .
23 It rose to something like 35,000 tons per year but then began to tail off ( see appendix D ) .
24 Support for the accusation comes from two cases where associates of the duke were dismissed by the council for failing to render account , but then remained in post .
25 Support for the accusation comes from two cases where associates of the duke were dismissed by the council for failing to render account , but then remained in post .
26 Conversely , fractional albumin clearance fell with both treatments from 0 to 6 months ( although not significantly ) but then rose to pretreatment values after 12 months with hydrochlorothiazide , whereas it fell further with enalapril ( one way analysis of variance of the treatment-time interaction for enalapril group , p=0.022 ) .
27 Huy spread his hands submissively , but then winced in pain as Surere suddenly leant forward and seized his shoulder , the strength of ten men in his large , bony hand .
28 If homo sapiens is unequivocally demarcated from the rest of the animal kingdom by the language barrier then it would seem reasonable to accord something like honorary status to those existing in its image , as it were , but otherwise enfeebled through age or retardation .
29 In the 16th century , Elizabethans rarely cleaned their teeth but instead gargled with sugar water to sweeten the breath .
30 A 1976 Granada television comedy project , ‘ All The Queen 's Men ’ , featured an all-gay Army unit but never came to fruition .
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