Example sentences of "but [pers pn] had [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I usually stay later , but I had to dress for the dinner party .
2 The army had said we would average fifteen , but I had hoped for eighteen and had told them so .
3 " No , I suppose not , but I had hoped for something a little more exotic .
4 " I 'm sorry to have kept you waiting , but I had to finish with the man I had with me .
5 No it was nice now but I had to sit like that with my arms up my sleeves .
6 But I had to go in the loft .
7 But I had to return to the subject of Frankenstein .
8 ‘ I wanted to run away , to hide , but I had to return to this lonely , meaningless place . ’
9 I was fortunate enough to obtain permission to go , but I had waited until arriving at Rizé before applying for it .
10 But I had heard of similar excuses .
11 I had never seen him before , but I had heard of him .
12 But I had to talk to you today . ’
13 They 've been calling us cheats , but I had to call on our manager to try to put a stop to some of their own little tricks at Headingley .
14 But I had to search for Vietnam .
15 I had not told my Reed cousins about our wedding , but I had written to my uncle , John Eyre , in Madeira .
16 I know it 's easy but I had to think of something to finish the week off with .
17 ‘ I 'm sorry , truly I am , but I had to look after the boys .
18 But I had to speak to you you see and I dialled you while you actually said on the air that anyone that won had to speak to you and said to Karen look if you ring back I 'll put the answer phone on .
19 She 'd wanted me to come to Lochgair and say sorry to him there , but I had begged for mercy , and — rather to my surprise — been granted it .
20 But I had forgotten about Nanny .
21 I used to sit outside the job centre , then come home and say , " I have applied , but I had to send in an application form " , and I had n't even gone in there .
22 But I had left on the five o'clock train . ’
23 I became a loner , but I had to work at it .
24 I knew Oscar would have preferred a quieter , less raucous venture , on a weekday perhaps , but I had to work on certain days and those days came up during his visit .
25 Well I sent it to the B B C , I sent it to Duncan but I also sent it to the the Lady a shorter version to the Lady their competition and I said their competition was gon na be on the eighteenth in their issue they would give the names of the of the winners , but I had looked in the Lady yesterday in Smiths and there was none of nothing about it , but I do n't think I 've won anyway because it said you 'd be notified by post so .
26 The telephone rang while I was busy explaining to Tony Crosland that I could not accept a further term of office at the Housing Corporation , since I had been appointed to the Mastership of University College , Oxford , but I had agreed to a request that I should at least stay for another year to see someone else in .
27 My mother had wept very little , her tears dried by her wrath , but I had cried for her .
28 But you had to get past that first because Bill was always frightened of somebody , perhaps , trying to get the better of him .
29 It had upset him at the time , but you had to get over stuff like that or you 'd go to the wall .
30 ‘ Yes ; but you had thought about it before , had n't you ?
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