Example sentences of "but [pers pn] can never [be] " in BNC.

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1 Hopefully the initial push towards the enemy will ensure that the Fanatic hits the enemy more often than he hits his mates … but you can never be sure .
2 I do n't think she 'd do it , but you can never be sure with Sal . ’
3 People reveal themselves in their actions , but they can never be reduced to them .
4 Often political and economic policies are unclear to educationists , sometimes they may be in the hands of tyrants , not infrequently they conflict , but they can never be ignored .
5 Homicide rates are interesting in themselves , but they can never be explained simply in terms of cultural definitions or psychological dispositions .
6 This is the most elementary method , which may serve in most modern books , but it can never be relied on with earlier examples .
7 The judiciary can be encouraged , exhorted , informed , reasoned with , but it can never be instructed .
8 It may possibly be seen that in some cases the application of the united front from below is the only possible tactic , but it can never be the case that the application of the united front from above is the only possible tactic .
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