Example sentences of "but [adv] [adv] as i " in BNC.

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1 I do n't know , but so long as I can cure the disease I do n't much care !
2 But so far as I 'm concerned , Fedorov is the more important ; do n't do anything to prejudice our chances of taking him . ’
3 Britain 's former world sports car champion Brundle said last night : ‘ I 've heard the stories , but so far as I 'm concerned they 're just that — stories and rumour .
4 But so far as I know they have never been reprinted , and I have let slip from my memory now the name of the author ( a salutary warning against undue pride for those of us writing today ) .
5 He was immensely well-read on political history in the nineteenth century and more recent times , and he deployed a memory of fantastic accuracy , but so far as I could judge he had read virtually nothing else .
6 The identification is often questioned , but so far as I can see on no adequate grounds .
7 Lithium batteries are even better , but so far as I know are only available in PP3 size .
8 I am open to contradiction , but so far as I understand , the Association as such , played no direct part either in the recent increases in apprentices ' salaries , which were reviewed automatically , nor in the revival of their indenture , which is the result of a tortuous and painfully slow consideration by the Law Society .
9 We were discouraged , during the war , from keeping diaries , probably in case these lethal documents should fall into enemy hands , but as nearly as I can now recall it is all true .
10 All sorts of theories to explain the phenomenon have been advanced , but as far as I am concerned , it works .
11 But as far as I knew , he had no other friends in Salamanca , though he had only to lift his little finger and both men and women would have come running at his bidding .
12 His mother says that he talked to her about it and she tried to convince him that he was misinterpreting what he had seen and heard , but as far as I can learn John never mentioned it to anyone else until late in life , when telling Dr Schäfer about the thoughts which led him to make his ballet Spuren .
13 True , the attraction of becoming ‘ British ’ is a big one , but as far as I can see it is the only one .
14 I was weak , highly emotional , but as far as I knew , well .
15 I mean I 'm no historian , you 'd have to check up on this with my hubby , but as far as I know the Reformation started up North in Europe a guid lang mile away from Rome and the Pope and that , up in the Region of what we now know as Holland , and Germany and Alsace Lorraine .
16 Perhaps they were too busy to feel queasy , but as far as I was concerned , before we had been airborne half an hour I felt like crying out , ‘ Stop the plane , I want to get off ! ’
17 I suppose there must be some records in a dusty file somewhere of how often the ground crews lost the race against time and had the aircraft and bombs blow up in front of them , but as far as I can recollect this never happened at Bourn , at least not while I was there , and we were thankful to get through each busy night without catastrophes of that kind .
18 Our Tory MP did jump off his LandRover to shake my hand and take one of my leaflets the other day , but as far as I could tell I was the only voter he met that morning .
19 They tried to demoralise me , but as far as I am concerned they were just abusing me .
20 THEY tried to demoralise me , but as far as I am concerned they were just abusing me .
21 Writes all day long , but as far as I can see never sells a word .
22 But as far as I could make out the Ambassador was away .
23 As the PAL:YPE recalls , this impression was based on a combination of physical environment , staff vision , and an existing commitment to an infrastructure including a permanent part-time library assistant : School A I was impressed with , because they too had already started to talk about resource-based learning and they already had as far as I remember … ( now my memory is fairly vague now because it is quite a long time ago ) … but as far as I remember they had a Headmaster , who was extremely interested , very keen indeed , and they had a committee already set up , I think to look into this .
24 He went back to Nuremberg in 1946 to testify , but as far as I know that 's the only time he ever left the country . ’
25 My head was n't really in the right state for assimilating all this stuff , but as far as I could gather , Uncle Rory had been trying for years to come up with something Creative ( his capital , his italics ) .
26 Er but as far as I 'm concerned if it comes in in week four , that 's fair enough , but things after that then they start to get a bit upset
27 I only saw it open a few times but as far as I remember there were a couple of old ledgers and a stack of pocket files . ’
28 " It 's a funny thing , but as far as I can see the shipping company is the only reputable part of the whole business .
29 I 'm sure he wo n't mind me mentioning the fact , but as far as I know Graham Marsden is still waiting for that elusive ’ two ’ , not that he has n't had his share of big roach , it 's just that the needle of his scales apparently aggravatingly always sticks at around 1lb 15oz !
30 I do n't often buy paper from the School Lodge , but as far as I can remember Recycled paper costs more than Ordinary Paper .
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