Example sentences of "but [adv] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Tower Hamlets declined to make the repayment and Chetnik applied for judicial review of the adverse decision , unsuccessfully at first instance but successfully in the Court of Appeal and in your Lordships ' House .
2 The man himself , is quite outspoken about past and present , but mostly about the future .
3 Data was collected in 18 states , but mostly in the east of the country .
4 Whereas Levinas , like Habermas , posits an authentic language of expression which abhors the distortions of ‘ rhetoric ’ , Derrida argues that such alterity is constituted not through dialogue but rather through the operation of language itself : Levinas ' transcendence-as-surplus is therefore redefined as a Derridean supplement .
5 It recognises that the newer and better way to govern the law-breaker is not through the expiring system of the cell and the lash , but rather through the mind and the heart ( Bridgwater , 1909 , p. 9 ) .
6 ‘ Behind Bars ’ at the new , huge , non-profit Threadwaxing Space on Broadway is not as you might suspect a show of political art about prisoners ' rights or even about the exotic lives of cocktail waitresses but rather about the stripe in art .
7 What must be accepted at the very basis of any enquiry is that it is not , as Taylor puts it , " a command , as in conventional search strategy , but rather as a description of an area of doubt in which the question is open-ended , negotiable and dynamic . "
8 The British crown lacked power ; Alexander III of Russia described it as ‘ hardly to be counted as a monarchy , but rather as a Crown by election ’ .
9 It seems thought will be given to playing Tony Stanger in the centre to provide a bit more physique in defence and on that theme Michael Dods could be destined to be left out , not because he has played badly , but rather as a reflection that the powerhouse physiques are prone to get the better of him in escaping tackles .
10 So what is invested as surplus-value in one production period is not seen as surplus-value in the following production period , but rather as a cost .
11 This work shows that gastric acid secretion does not decline as a result of healthy ageing , but rather as a consequence of the development of atrophic changes of the gastric mucosa .
12 It is not intended as a guide to the relative merits of competing products — Which ? magazine , with its comparative testing reports , fills that role — but rather as a guide to the tools , materials and techniques needed for home plumbing and to the various plumbing jobs around the home , including the installation of central heating .
13 Perceiving is therefore not thought of as an instant-by-instant following of a phenomenon with the senses , but rather as a condition ( conceived as an abstract before-position ) from whose existence the occurrence of the infinitive action can be inferred resultatively or factually , the latter being conceived therefore as an after-position .
14 The Nazarean Party must not therefore be seen as a separate unit , but rather as a nucleus — the equivalent of a general staff , a privy council or a cabinet .
15 Thus — and this is a critical point — refusal of consent is seen not as an assertion of will , but rather as a symptom of unsoundness of mind .
16 Ideally this does not ensue from flagrant compromises in outlook and working methods but rather as a result of being true to real aims and objectives .
17 Thse observations suggest that HCO 3 - is not absorbed directly but rather as a result of H + secretion via apical Na + /H + exchange .
18 At the heart of her case lies the claim that the merchant , like the monk , is not generous as a virtue but rather as a matter of " " calculated business policy " " , for the sake of appearing creditworthy : We may creaunce whil we have a name , But goldlees for to be , it is no game .
19 Like Sartre , he sought to constitute Marxism as a form of truth , but attempted to prove its truth not through the dialectic of history but rather as a science , authenticating Marx 's ‘ immense theoretical revolution ’ epistemologically through a demonstration of its scientificity .
20 In 1930 Nizan noted " I dislike the philosophy of oppressors because I feel that I have been the victim of oppression ; reconciliation with oppression does not strike me as a victory for freedom , but rather as a death sentence . "
21 ‘ Once upon a time I 'd 've made you turn religious , ’ said Constance , and suddenly it occurred to Scarlet that really she was already religious , as anyone who had borne a child must surely be : not in the conventional sense but rather as a passenger on a train would expect someone to be at the controls .
22 As Beatson has stated , ‘ a system that uses the pragmatic approach is not using the concept of error of law as an organizing principle ’ as such , but rather as a facade behind which to weigh the relative competence of court and agency .
23 A biology of hierarchy grounded in a metaphysically prior ‘ great chain of being ’ gave way to a biology of incommensurability in which the relationship of men to women , like that of apples to oranges , was not given as one of equality or inequality but rather as a difference whose meaning required interpretation and struggle .
24 Peterle said that he did not view the planned date of Slovenia 's declaration of independence as the first day of full independence , but rather as a step in a gradual process .
25 This functionalist style views law not as a phenomenon which exists on an altogether different plane to government but rather as an instrument which is part of the apparatus of government .
26 Gramsci saw the dichotomy between the two not as a centre-periphery relationship but rather as an aspect of the way in which the interests of monopoly capital used the state to keep the undeveloped areas repressed and passive ; Gramsci describes the south variously as ‘ a semi-colonial market ’ , a ‘ source of savings and taxes ’ and a ‘ pool of cheap docile reserve labour ’ .
27 With the rise of the fascist menace , the bourgeois educational system was no longer perceived as the site of idealistic mystification , but rather as the site of a political struggle ; a political struggle in which the vast majority of the teaching profession , committed to the idea of cultural enlightenment , were refusing to be silenced , gagged by a bourgeois state progressively more dominated by fascist ideas at a time of deepening political crisis .
28 What was overlooked in our discussion of stylistic competence is that our intuitive " placing " of a text depends not on an undifferentiated capacity to compare a text with the norm of the language , but rather on a responsiveness to a set of norms : a norm for spoken conversation , a norm for news reporting , a norm for writing diaries , a norm for historical novels , etc .
29 The film , which starred Huw Garmon in the title role , does not concentrate too heavily on the Black Chair episode , but rather on the character of the man who became a legend throughout Wales in the months after his death .
30 Here the focus is placed not so much upon the continued presence of irrationality , for irrationality after all is simply reason 's own excluded but necessary negative other , but rather on the possibility of other logics being imbricated within reason which might serve to undo its own tendency to domination .
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