Example sentences of "but [adv] [verb] [prep] some " in BNC.

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1 I do not intend to run through the general principles involved again , but rather to look at some of the details involved .
2 We will not go into great detail on the dangers of using statistics here but merely point to some precautions which must still be taken even when using statistics which are generally regarded as reliable .
3 That is a great improvement , and I hope very much that the Commission will soon understand that headage limits do not reduce overproduction but merely discriminate against some of the poorest parts of the United Kingdom .
4 The discussion below does not attempt to outline all the arguments but merely to point to some of the issues involved .
5 With hindsight , of course , it is now possible to question the glamorizing of drug-taking in such films as Easy Rider , Psych-Out and The Trip and others ; the in-built health warnings were seldom noticed and there was a certain drugs bandwagon rolling , anyway , largely created in the pop industry where drug usage was not only referred to , even poetically eulogized in song , but physically demonstrated by some of its more tragic exponents like Brian Jones , Jimi Hendrix and Janice Joplin , to name but three in a long line of fallen idols and heroes .
6 Rather , they should be seen as establishing ‘ influences ’ pulling in particular directions ( in contexts where , for particular individuals , there are many other influences ) , sometimes supportive , sometimes contradictory , but always open to some degree of individually idiosyncratic interpretation .
7 This issue could have practical relevance in the follow up of coeliac disease patients who may seem healthy during dietary treatment but still suffer from some degree of jejunal mucosa damage because of the ingestion of ‘ hidden ’ gluten .
8 One of the first ground rules to be established was the use of point shoes , initially with the characters of Titania and Hippolyta — to give them heightened significance as ‘ sort of goddess figures ’ — but later extended to some of the fairies as well .
9 When his proposals were first outlined there was considerable disquiet , mainly among Darlington politicians , but also voiced by some firemen who feared the town would be adversely affected .
10 Implicit in the use of the problem-solving approach described above is the aim of helping people acquire coping skills which can be used not just to solve the current problems but also to deal with some of those that may occur subsequently .
11 The proportion of pupils with statements varies widely across the country , partly because of the LEAs ' differing policies on ‘ statementing ’ , but overall stands at some 1.7 per cent of the total population of statutory school age , with just over a fifth of these in ordinary rather than special schools .
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