Example sentences of "but [prep] [det] time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Little of his work of the next three years is known , but from that time until 1814 he produced much of his best drawing in pencil and watercolours .
2 I I ca n't be sure where I got the information from but from that time until the end of my shift at ten P M I was gleaning information from all different directions about the and the connection .
3 Surprisingly there was still no organised training for new entries to the cutters but at that time of course there were still plenty of ex-service personnel available .
4 At most periods of the twenty-four hours to run into the middle of Southwark Bridge would be to invite suicide in the stream of traffic pouring across it , but at that time of morning traffic was relatively light , and there were some gaps between the cars and lorries .
5 Here , the planting is mixed — perennials will transform the garden in summer but at this time of year they 're invisible , having been cut back and mulched during the autumn .
6 ‘ Some , ’ I yielded the point , ‘ but at this time of year I wo n't go far from land while I do it . ’
7 At first , we could only hear the wagons and we thought that it could be someone hand-shunting , but at this time of night ?
8 But at this time of the year brent geese are also to be found foraging .
9 A dubious label , they 'd tell you , in the middle of winter , but at this time of year it comes into its own .
10 But at this time of year there is no sea .
11 There 's plenty of cheese but at this time of night , with that headache , I do n't advise it .
12 But at this time of year the bracken and undergrowth is tinder dry .
13 Peregrines executing a dive are the fastest animals in the world , but at this time of year they are particularly vulnerable to attack while they are displaying and setting up breeding territories .
14 An ESO will remain in force for one year , but at any time within three months before its expiry date an application for its extension may be made to the court .
15 Two years later the Americans quietly dropped the whole issue and the , the UN returned to normal but by that time of course the situation had become what it was , er er a war .
16 Two years later the Americans quietly dropped the whole issue and the , the UN returned to normal but by that time of course the situation had become what it was , er er a war .
17 Her daughter drives out from Bamford once a week but around this time of year she goes to stay with some other relative , I 'm not sure where , so I dare say she is n't there at the moment and you have n't got any immediate neighbours resident .
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