Example sentences of "but [not/n't] [adv] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I mean even doing two , you 're not gon na use a hundred grammes for two , but not just for face and hair and that here
2 Thus the redistribution in favour of the lowest 20 per cent shown in Table 3.24 is mainly but not exclusively for retirement pensioners .
3 It could be called ‘ spinning a yarn ’ but the blarney for once is true because seven Mums-to-be are away on maternity leave and more Mums are confirmed but not yet on leave .
4 Emma acquires the greyhound while she and Charles are still living at Tostes : the time of early , inchoate stirrings of dissatisfaction within her ; the time of boredom and discontent , but not yet of corruption .
5 Plasma fibrinogen concentrations are related to weight at 1 year but not independently to birth weight .
6 Plasma fibrinogen concentrations , for example , are related to weight at 1 year but not independently to birth weight .
7 Blood pressure is related to birth weight but not independently to weight at 1 year .
8 Drawings and sketches may be produced ( a picture paints a thousand words ) with a pen , but not easily by voice .
9 In the rent review context this has been said to mean that the court will tell surveyors what to value , but not how to value it : Compton Group Ltd v Estates Gazette Ltd ( 1977 ) 244 EG 799 .
10 Some of the audience had stopped laughing , too but not out of pity for Lucie .
11 His own car was a few yards ahead , and he could be in and started before they turned the corner — but not out of sight .
12 Then they walked down there , but not out of sight of the cars .
13 When the absurdly naive theatricals by which the clerks seek to cloak their scheme for preventing the miller 's stealing — which has increased from the " curteis " to the " outrageous " with the illness of their college 's manciple — reveal their design to him , he determines to steal yet more , out of pride , and out of his own version of measure for measure , but not out of covetousness : As soon as the two clerks can stop and consider the trick that has been played on them , we see that the miller 's action , motivated by his pride , hits directly at the pride of the clerks : Another offence to John 's pride leads him later to attempt to bed the miller 's wife , hearing the success of Alayn with the daughter ( 4199 – 209 ) .
14 She is better but not out of danger .
15 In the 1950s and 60s dowries in India went down generally because gold was controlled , but not so in East Africa , where dowries rose as though they would never stop .
16 The whole boat plunged , but not now in rhythm with the staggering of Maurice and Edward .
17 Again I do n't want to be uncharitable but Cecil Parkinson I suspect in the public view is a man somewhat but not entirely without trace .
18 The omnipresent cul-de-sac , for example , lowered speeds but not enough for child safety , especially on the long straight legs .
19 That in the main was true but not always of course .
20 Jessica answered her questions , but not always with consistency .
21 He investigates by going to places , tackling people , often but not always by shooting or slugging them , and often but not obligatorily so by going to bed with them .
22 Although versions of all the papers in the collection have been published elsewhere ( but not always in English ) , they are cited here in these easily available versions except where the date or other details of the original publications are particularly relevant .
23 In theory , but not usually in practice , the total mass of products of a chemical process should equal the total mass of reactants used in the process .
24 I do it often , but not usually in print .
25 My work has been mainly about the development of a sense of identity and of a sense of community , the development of relationships but not actually about sex .
26 The universal conception envisages social representations as functioning through anchoring , but not necessarily through objectification .
27 Environmental protection and wealth creation are in tension but not necessarily in conflict , and indeed there can be little hope of improving the quality of the environment without the resources to do so .
28 They were to be allowed to use some of the gentry 's farmland , but not necessarily in perpetuity and only in return for labour services or cash .
29 In most of the accounts of animal abuse , be they in factory farm or primate laboratory , even the more sensitive monkeys are portrayed in similar ways : comatose , agitated , even neurotic , often with serious injuries , but not necessarily in pain .
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