Example sentences of "but [verb] [adv] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Nothing for it but to go back the way you came , to Neu St Johann , thence down the Toggenburg valley through the resorts of Nesslau and Ebnat-Kappel to Wattwil .
2 This is not simply to force people into speaking blank verse , but to see how a person responds to the essential humanity of a character — for Shakespeare , of all the classical writers , is probably the most human , whose work is blessed with both grandeur and the common touch .
3 The diplomat knew that was untrue but asked why the man was imprisoned .
4 The object is not to create damage and disorder per se , but to carry out an act which is guaranteed to enrage the victim without doing what he thinks you are doing , i.e. stealing his machine .
5 Richards trailed 13–5 after ends but wiped out the deficit on end 11 .
6 Electricity again but using only a fraction of the power .
7 Forster was sorely tempted to nip out and confirm that the noise was coming from George by twiddling the volume and tuner , but fought down the urge .
8 He fought like a fiend , but made not a sound .
9 October 1940 , but made virtually no progress in the winter months and the arrival of British Air Force units to assist the Greek troops , prompted Hitler to act in order to protect the very important German control of oilfields in Rumania .
10 A few seconds later the pipes are assembled and I enter the town playing Highland Laddie , not at the front of the column , but bringing up the rear .
11 Today we can talk about sex without modesty or fear , but bring up the subject of death and you will be treated with the same social horror as if you had brought up the subject of masturbation at a Victorian ladies ' tea party .
12 The meeting voted for a revision of the Constitution to allow the head of state to appoint a Prime Minister but ruled out the introduction of a multiparty system .
13 The sexual revolution escalated the pressure and helped remove the prohibitions on sex , but changed neither the form nor the content .
14 He stared at the envelope again but found there no clue to what had been enacted .
15 Blanche looked up and searched the sky , seeking some prophecy of success or failure , but found only a sprinkling of stars brave enough to outshine the lemon gleam of the city 's lights .
16 As for the Gascons , they are gossipy , licentious , and poorly dressed ; although they eat and drink far too much they do n't sit at table but squat around a fire ; they all share the same cup and when they go to sleep they all share the same rotting straw , master and mistress , servants and all .
17 In the end Frodo does want to destroy the Ring but has not the strength .
18 country carrier , a ‘ lumbering , slow , honest ’ fellow and devoted husband of the much younger Mary ( called Dot ) , who is very domesticated but has also a capacity for managing other people 's affairs ; to wit , those of Edward Plummer and May Fielding , who , but for Dot 's secret intervention , would have married the disagreeable Tackleton .
19 A fraught fivesome with ants in their pants and , presumably , cockroaches in their coat pockets , they 're all about threats and menace and a three-guitar assault which owes rather a lot to tykes like the Pixies but has absolutely no intention of paying the buggers back .
20 He ignored Sir Ralph 's corpse but lifted back the insignia over the hospitaller 's and the canvas sheet which lay underneath .
21 Evangelical propaganda was thus able to achieve a sharp impact : while evangelicals like James Plumptree and Thomas Bowdler produced expurgated songs and literature , evangelical intellectuals like William Wilberforce , Hannah More and others such as Thornton and Stephen associated in the Clapham sect set up as moulders of a new ideology of domesticity , which not only proposed the family as a Christian haven in a disrupted world , but put forward a code of rules and regulations for the governing of individual lives .
22 Hornet 's Richard Wolfenden points out that the company has not been liquidated but put on the back burner until production can be resumed abroad with lower costs and overheads .
23 But put aside the party point scoring and one indisputable fact emerges which will readily be agreed by all health service staff are a breed apart with their dedication to duty , willingness to work long hours and commitment to patient care .
24 He identified the largest category of omitted types to be ( predictably ) proper names , but noted also a bias against technical vocabulary and derived forms with negative meanings .
25 They lost every deposit , and so contributed £128,000 towards the election , but received almost no coverage in the national press , TV or radio in return .
26 That played big in the UK press but caused scarcely a ripple beyond the shores of Britain .
27 67-year-old , took early retirement from engineers seven years ago , but came back a year later to become the head office caretaker .
28 There is no need to over-play the slightly pathetic quality but seek out the eagerness of his search for something to do .
29 Fashion garments may and do cost a great deal , but break down the component parts of that price and the sum paid for the natural fibre fabrics begins to look a little odd .
30 ‘ We are aware there is a degree of anxiety among the public and so we have taken steps not only to contact those people concerned but to set up a helpline so any member of the public can ring in and have private counselling . ’
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