Example sentences of "but [adv] for the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ( i ) The plaintiffs challenge the validity of the section 39 notice , on the footing that it was not issued for the purpose of the Bank exercising its own supervisory functions under the Act , but rather for the purpose of enabling the U.S. Federal Reserve Board to pursue its own inquiries in relation to its own functions as the U.S. regulatory authority ; it is also contended that the notice is defective in form .
2 Therefore , the businessmen on our list have been chosen not merely for their money-making skills , but rather for the influence they can bring to bear .
3 After primary fermentation the beer is stored ( the German word is ‘ lagered ’ ) for a short time but rarely for the month or more that is standard abroad .
4 There was much sympathy for the aims of the action , but little for the way it was pursued .
5 In fact it took a revolutionary medical technique for Ian to be able to play again , but only for the Palace Reserves , for the first team were , at that time at least , more than holding their own in Division One .
6 It would be nice to have it in the bill , Hurd told MPs , but only for the sake of ‘ completeness and tidiness ’ .
7 The crisis was over , but only for the moment .
8 The ruler line shows the length of the typing line , and also the positions of tabs , indents and the break mark ( eg see Task 26 ) ; but only for the paragraph the cursor is in .
9 You 're certainly welcome to take any drinks through to lunch with you , whatever you want , but tonight for the dinner we 've there is wine provided so there 's no need to take drink through .
10 One kind is the fancy dress which children can wear for a parade but not for the whole of a party .
11 ( i ) bodily injury sustained while under the influence of or ( ii ) disablement due wholly or partly to the effects of intoxicating liquor or drugs other than drugs taken in accordance with treatment prescribed and directed by a qualified registered medical practitioner but not for the treatment of drug addiction .
12 This rule has now been relaxed so as to permit reports of commissioners , including law commissioners , and white papers to be looked at for the purpose solely of ascertaining the mischief which the statute is intended to cure but not for the purpose of discovering the meaning of the words used by Parliament to effect such cure : Eastman Photographic Materials Co . Ltd. v. Comptroller-General of Patents , Designs and Trademarks [ 1898 ] A.C. 571 and Assam Railways and Trading Co . Ltd. v. Commissioners of Inland Revenue [ 1935 ] A.C. 445 , 457–458 .
13 Although the development officers ’ budget was almost entirely used for the payment of support workers it could also be used for the purchase of goods ( for example a single bed for a client coming out of hospital ) but not for the purchase of other services .
14 Beating up cushions releases the feelings pent up in the shoulders — but such forms of catharsis are sometimes thought to be all right for Californians but not for the rest of us .
15 I am therefore not convinced that the distinction is a sufficient basis for concluding that the Secretary of State is bound by the judicial view for one class of case , but not for the other .
16 Yet if a naso-temporal difference exists for one eye but not for the other , the set-up is not balanced with respect to left and right visual fields .
17 If you caused a flood by knocking a nail through a water pipe , the flood section would cover you for damage caused by the water , but not for the damage to the pipe .
18 Years previously , as a probationary cadet at Harrogate , and later at O.C.T.U. , he had said that he would like to make a success of soldiering , but not for the sake of prestige or promotion .
19 Perhaps it is repetitive , but not for the sake of repetition , as each phrase carries a different emphasis and builds on to the prior phase for effect .
20 FASTER , quieter aircraft may be good for people — but not for the world 's natural fliers .
21 Privately , Marjorie Richardson had decided in favour of the menopause as the culprit , but not for the world would she say such a thing to Harry .
22 Her hair was almost standing on end , but not for the world would she admit it .
23 Some of the plans for the designs of the pageant wagons have survived , but not for the Assumption so much research had to be undertaken .
24 Hope springs — but not for the moment The outlook for the housing market is modestly optimistic — but any initial pick-up will be in higher turnover , not in higher prices
25 She hesitated , but not for the reason he imagined .
26 But not for the reason you think .
27 Oh , yes , thought Juliet , I 'm worried , but not for the reason you think .
28 The Treasury and the US Congress have provided Clinton with some statistical support for this perception , but not for the revenue estimate .
29 He had insisted on accompanying Sharpe to Quatre Bras , not to fight , he said , but just for the chance of glimpsing the Emperor .
30 But just for the moment we wo n't worry about the grouping aspect .
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