Example sentences of "but [adv] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Tower Hamlets declined to make the repayment and Chetnik applied for judicial review of the adverse decision , unsuccessfully at first instance but successfully in the Court of Appeal and in your Lordships ' House .
2 The man himself , is quite outspoken about past and present , but mostly about the future .
3 Data was collected in 18 states , but mostly in the east of the country .
4 Whereas Levinas , like Habermas , posits an authentic language of expression which abhors the distortions of ‘ rhetoric ’ , Derrida argues that such alterity is constituted not through dialogue but rather through the operation of language itself : Levinas ' transcendence-as-surplus is therefore redefined as a Derridean supplement .
5 It recognises that the newer and better way to govern the law-breaker is not through the expiring system of the cell and the lash , but rather through the mind and the heart ( Bridgwater , 1909 , p. 9 ) .
6 ‘ Behind Bars ’ at the new , huge , non-profit Threadwaxing Space on Broadway is not as you might suspect a show of political art about prisoners ' rights or even about the exotic lives of cocktail waitresses but rather about the stripe in art .
7 With the rise of the fascist menace , the bourgeois educational system was no longer perceived as the site of idealistic mystification , but rather as the site of a political struggle ; a political struggle in which the vast majority of the teaching profession , committed to the idea of cultural enlightenment , were refusing to be silenced , gagged by a bourgeois state progressively more dominated by fascist ideas at a time of deepening political crisis .
8 The film , which starred Huw Garmon in the title role , does not concentrate too heavily on the Black Chair episode , but rather on the character of the man who became a legend throughout Wales in the months after his death .
9 Here the focus is placed not so much upon the continued presence of irrationality , for irrationality after all is simply reason 's own excluded but necessary negative other , but rather on the possibility of other logics being imbricated within reason which might serve to undo its own tendency to domination .
10 Gilbert would probably have done better to base his case not on the child 's moral sense , which was largely that imposed by adults , but rather on the child 's tendency to invest violence with fantasy .
11 The combined effect of these provisions is that the question of whether or not a child has special educational needs depends not so much on the child 's specific needs considered in isolation , but rather on the appropriateness or otherwise of existing provision .
12 He does not dwell on the significance of the Incarnation , but rather on the process by which the individual can , despite partial knowledge and creatureliness , enter into a darkness where nothing is known , yet God is existentially encountered in love .
13 This element is lacking in another group of cases , where nothing turns on any prior act of the potential defendant but rather on the delivery of the document to the official of the forum state or its publication at some prescribed place .
14 The system has fairly low specificity ; topics are not included on the usual basis of literary warrant , but rather on the basis of organizational warrant .
15 ( i ) The plaintiffs challenge the validity of the section 39 notice , on the footing that it was not issued for the purpose of the Bank exercising its own supervisory functions under the Act , but rather for the purpose of enabling the U.S. Federal Reserve Board to pursue its own inquiries in relation to its own functions as the U.S. regulatory authority ; it is also contended that the notice is defective in form .
16 Therefore , the businessmen on our list have been chosen not merely for their money-making skills , but rather for the influence they can bring to bear .
17 It is simply that the necessary distinctions are not to be found at the level of categorical separation but rather at the level where they are in fact produced , which is that of both general and specific cultural and social orders .
18 A careful examination of the cocoliche corpus revealed not , as one might expect , a higher overall frequency of the non-subjunctive alternants , but rather at the discourse level an absence of appropriate contexts for the subjunctive .
19 The Emperor , however , had not sought power simply in order to dazzle contemporaries with spectacle , but rather with the aim of putting France in the forefront of general progress and restoring her to what he considered to be her rightful place in Europe .
20 In the most recent case , the court was concerned not so much with the deliberate communication of confidential information but rather with the danger posed by the " chance remark " or the " inadvertent " risk of leaking the information .
21 The liberals of Cadiz were not primarily concerned with a socially desirable redistribution of landed property but rather with the establishment of clear and absolute property rights — the Roman Law notion of jus utendi et abutendi as against the medieval confusions of multiple claims to enjoy the use of the same piece of property .
22 It is important to remember that ‘ democratic deficit ’ does not refer to any notion that the Commission is too powerful , but rather to the idea that too many decisions are taken by the ‘ unelected ’ Council of Ministers , and that further powers should be transferred from this body and from national parliaments to the European Parliament at Strasbourg .
23 Therefore one must conclude that the ‘ death line ’ for dry gas is not related to the exhaustion of the source rock coal but rather to the disappearance of good reservoirs due to lack of porosity .
24 Most of these are rather old , and do n't relate to the present Plate Tectonic picture , but rather to the situation ten or twenty million years ago .
25 Moving closer , Jehan saw that the ends of the rods were not attached directly to the wheel , but rather to the shaft upon which it was mounted .
26 Although there were gaps in the system , such as the provision for small firms and for high-risk finance , the fundamental problem with the financing of industry in the UK was correctly attributed not to the lack of availability of external financing , but rather to the inadequacy of industrial performance .
27 The monetary approach affords primacy not to goods and services as such , but rather to the demand and supply of money ( real balances ) .
28 This aim does not refer to the effectiveness of actual decisions taken in given circumstances ( which is the central problem of business policy ) , but rather to the attempt to identify those structures of behaviour which contribute to the achievement of organisational goals .
29 All the judges emphasized that the danger of disorder came not from the CND marchers but rather from the fact that ‘ [ h ] ooligans and others might attack the police who were doing their duty in escorting a peaceful procession ’ ( Lord Denning ) .
30 The emphasis in the French version does not just come from the repetition of je l'aimais bien , which also occurs in the original , but rather from the fact that the repetition is labelled as repetition : elle répéta .
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