Example sentences of "but [adv] [noun] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 He first acquired a great deal of Gilbert and Sullivan , because his father was keen on the Savoy operas , but eventually John turned to ballet music because of the tales his parents had told him about the Diaghilev Ballet .
2 But obviously things had to be dried out as one would expect , ’ he added .
3 Moreover , between 793 and 796 Aethelheard but not Hygeberht subscribed to a grant of land by Offa to the church of Worcester within the archdiocese of Lichfield ( CS 272 , 273 : S 146 ) , and in 796 to a grant of land also in Hwiccian territory by Ecgfrith , king of the Mercians , Offa 's son and short-lived successor , again without Hygeberht ( CS 277 , 278 : S 148 ) .
4 But once doubt comes to be cast on the goodness of this story , then human beings will raise questions also as to its truth .
5 Several were in groups of four , three standing slabs of stone over which a fourth lay as a roof , others lay tumbled in meaningless heaps , but still others seemed to be set in distinguishable lines and circles .
6 He was bailed on Feb. 5 , but further charges relating to another 10,000,000 yen were lodged against him on Feb. 17 .
7 Walnut was used for the bodies and necks during the first few years of production but later Gibson switched to mahogany as this proved to be a more stable material , with less material wastage during the timber selection procedure .
8 Rekhi says that Novell tried to work with Santa Cruz Operation on Unix back in 1990 , and later approached Sun Microsystems Inc to help with its Intel-Unix effort , but both efforts came to nothing .
9 Rekhi says Novell tried to work with SCO on Unix back in 1990 , and later approached Sun to help with its Intel-Unix effort , but both efforts came to nothing .
10 This results chiefly from age-selective migration from London , but also bears witness to the North-South movement of labour .
11 A problem arose because it was believed that Macmillan had secured terms of reference which would entitle the Tribunal to investigate not merely Vassall , but also rumours relating to Vassall that were circulating at the time , rumours about many discreditable matters but mainly his sexual activities .
12 The basic objective of the I.D.P. as set out in that Regulation was to ‘ improve working and living conditions in the Western Isles ’ through a series of measures designed ’ .... to improve agriculture ; to improve the marketing of agricultural ( and fisheries ) products — including the afforestation of marginal land , operations to improve the marketing and processing of agricultural products and measures to develop fisheries , but also measures relating to tourist amenities , crafts , industrial and other complementary activities essential to the improvement of the general socio-economic situation of those isles ’ .
13 His St James 's headquarters used to take 30 copies a day , but now staff refer to the paper as the ‘ lefty FT . ’
14 But now business seems to be taking off again .
15 But now Betty came to the rescue and began to unpack the sardine sandwiches .
16 But immediately Jessie said to Agnes , ‘ I 'm going at the first opportunity , Bible or no Bible . ’
17 The Emperor himself ordered its destruction , but even advisers inured to sycophancy were forced to advise him that this was an impossibility .
18 But sometimes politicians have to be seen to respond to public concerns , if they are not to hand ammunition to their opponents .
19 Bruckner often wants a slight modification of tempo and he writes ‘ langsamer ’ ; but sometimes people drop to about 30 per cent of the tempo !
20 Burun made a face , but either Jagatan failed to notice or he did not care .
21 She had expected more censure , more blame , but instead Fen seemed to be taking everything upon himself .
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