Example sentences of "but [pron] be the same " in BNC.

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1 But you were the same age , you might have known or heard things about her that adults would not know . ’
2 But there is the same substantial caveat which we registered in the case of the Nuer : the particular kind of mystical powers which sustain the social order can not be predicted from the social order .
3 Bedpans had gone from earthenware to papier-mâché , bottles had progressed from glass to plastic , but there was the same kindly welcome , much the same decor except that the photo of George VI had been replaced by a poster on the etiquette of urinating .
4 But they 're the same .
5 No they 're a bit you know long for her but they 're the same size as she was wearing Jean and the other ones were too narrow for her feet .
6 Andrew : Yes , but they are the same .
7 Obviously the standards are not satisfactory but they are the same as they have been for the last 30 years and they are of Mr Pritchard 's choosing .
8 Yesterday they were spewed out in the aftermath of the Musgrave Park Hospital outrage but they were the same words which Mr Brooke and his predecessors have used time and time again after other bloody acts of terrorism .
9 But they were the same family the same Same people all through the years .
10 The myth that a man makes has transformations according as he sees himself as hero or villain , as young or old , but it is essentially the same myth ; Tom Jones is not the same person , but he is the same myth as Squire Western ; Midshipman Easy is part of the same myth ; Falstaff is elevated above the myth to dwell on Olympus , more than a national character .
11 But he was the same , odd man , who had hung about at the church in boots at Faith Lavender 's funeral .
12 But he was the same as ever — just went in and did it in one take .
13 Marks had grown greyer , more hairy , more stringy in the years-since their last meeting but he was the same man , shrewd , cynical , and a cop to the bone .
14 He 's a year younger than Thomas but he was the same height
15 But it is the same for everyone on this world — even for the races that have no talons . ’
16 it 's a s different colour , but it is the same size as that .
17 I sensed that , but it is the same in many relationships .
18 I think there 's been a lot , a lot of publicity for childline , now , but you are n't directly in , associated with childline Fjn Well , we 've had , no , we 've had to call ourselves children 's line because for er obvious reasons we ca n't call ourselves childline , but it is the same type of thing , er run in a similar way , not exactly the same of course er partly because we have n't got the money that childline er attracts .
19 We spoke about getting together , but it 's the same old problem — like with Brendan , it 's just a question of when .
20 But it 's the same as England , really ; some of them can handle me and some of them ca n't .
21 Sometimes they call them ‘ half-ground ’ , sometimes ‘ ground-wound ’ , but it 's the same technique . ’
22 But it 's the same size neck — a big , V-shaped one .
23 That 's a sprinter 's example , but it 's the same for any athletic performance , as I 've just been reminded by watching the astonishing improvement of Ray Davidson in these past few years .
24 But it 's the same size .
25 Same as bar nine which is blank but it 's the same as bar one .
26 I got caught with all these drugs in a car by the same police ( I do n't know what I do , but it 's the same police every time I get arrested ) and I got charged with possession .
27 But it 's the same story .
28 But it 's the same Thames estuary country , not all marsh , some of it quite good land , but criss-crossed by creeks and swatchways , and interspersed with saltings .
29 " I do n't know , but it 's the same as Maurice 's . "
30 Right , erm , what happens then , Philip , if the client says to you , and it 's unlikely with Covermaster , but it 's the same principle if you 're talking of a savings plan or a pension , erm , I do n't like the idea of my money being invested in a managed fund , I 've been reading the financial press , and I 'm very interested and excited at the thought of the Japanese market going up through the roof .
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