Example sentences of "but [pron] about the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is a system insidious but extremely powerful , where pupils may end up learning quite a lot about the way of life in ancient Rome and Greece but nothing about the way of life of their fellow pupils who are black .
2 The first draft has ‘ he thought to himself ’ but nothing about the sister .
3 He knows all about the figures but nothing about the reality behind them .
4 You spent some time describing how the linesiders were disappointed but nothing about the sterling work done by the loco department at Loughborough to put matters right and ensure a full days running on the Sunday .
5 There was wide disagreement about where and how to start dismantling the command economy , but none about the direction for progress .
6 But something about the sheet of paper , lying with its contents reflected unreadably in the mirror , drew him towards it .
7 She did n't , but something about the way she moved confirmed my suspicion that she saw herself as damaged goods .
8 The style of Mrs Praga 's book , Dainty Dinner Tables and How to Decorate Them ( published in 1907 ) , may be archaic , but something about the tone and even the context is curiously familiar .
9 But what about the year after ?
10 But what about the boy ? ’
11 Sure England were bad but what about the progress made by Norway ?
12 But what about the way that the subject , that streak of wickedness , is handled ?
13 Charlie Francis is guilty of a sporting crime — of that I am sure — but what about the guilt of those in high officialdom who have allowed the situation to go on growing for 20 years without trying to stop it ?
14 But what about the child ?
15 With regards about the lady that you 've the relationship , a stable relationship , not being married another lady pointed out , but what about the child ?
16 When the notion of Competences was first put to business , the main objection was not just how do you really assess ‘ honesty and relationships ’ but what about the knowledge and understanding to put such capabilities into practice .
17 But what about the state of the visual arts in the home of David Cox and Edward Burne-Jones ?
18 True , she agreed , but what about the independence she valued so highly ?
19 But what about the pilot ? ’
20 But what about the legend ? ’
21 But what about the story immediately above the IBM polymer story ?
22 Undoubtedly Sonic 2 will do the business with gameheads — Sega is anticipating selling out within a week of release — but what about the rest of us ?
23 Her whole point in life is that people criticize her because she does erm she can only actually look after a very small percentage of the people in Calcutta who need help and they all sort of say , Well she does that bit but what about the rest of them ?
24 But what about the majority of chimpanzees — the ones that live in the dense , dark forests of West and Central Africa ?
25 Simple pH values — but what about the re-calibrating ?
26 ‘ Yes , but what about the gravy I gave you ? ’
27 But what about the work itself , Maggie ?
28 Ordinary cars seem to be rather inefficient , but what about the possibility of electrical cars ?
29 But what about the floristry side ?
30 But what about the ale ?
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