Example sentences of "but [prep] a [adj -er] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We will deal briefly with these in turn , but for a fuller account the reader is recommended to Walker ( 1975 ) .
2 Their always is that question but for a cleaner bus and city centre there is a bill to pay
3 Two years ago the same thing had happened , but for a shorter time .
4 These interventions , associated with the Keynesian revolution in economic thinking which called for the state to become involved in maintaining the level of aggregate demand in the economy through the use of budgetry policies , have been seen not as a triumph of democratic struggle but as a further example of the use of the state as an instrument of the interests of the ruling class .
5 Some workmen digging a grave inside the parish church uncovered a lead anthropoid coffin inside of which was the body of a lad ‘ … laying in a liquor , or pickle , somewhat resembling mushroom catchup , but of a paler complexion , and somewhat thicker in consistance ’ , according to Dr T. White of Colchester who , together with Dr Gower of Chelmsford , had been invited by the rector , the Revd de l'Angle , and the churchwarden , Lewis Disney Ffytche of Danbury Place , to examine the coffin .
6 but of a gentler kind
7 Ultrasonic waves are sound waves but of a higher frequency ( pitch ) than the human ear can hear .
8 In ( 79 ) it is not just the action itself which is asserted : ( 79 ) He had a singular red cap on — not like a sailor 's cap , but of a finer colour ; and as the few yielding planks between him and destruction rolled and bulged , and his anticipative death-knell rung , he was seen by all of us to wave it .
9 Shakespeare 's Hamlet is equally rooted in the soil of the incest-complex , but under a better disguise .
10 There has been extensive work on the psychology of language ( Campbell and Smith , 1976 ; Gerver and Sinaiko , 1978 ) , but with a greater emphasis on language as an interpersonal communication vehicle rather than language as a supporter of thinking .
11 The committee 's policy was in many respects akin to that just being abandoned by the Communist Party , but with a greater syndicalist content .
12 But with a greater willingness to let in somebody — a relative , best friend or counsellor — at least two little boys would n't have to face the future without a father .
13 While the native people were fairly evenly distributed across Siberia from west to east ( but with a greater concentration in the south than in the north ) , the distribution of the incomer population from west of the Urals was always very uneven .
14 People like us , I suppose , but with a bigger dose of ignorance and superstition .
15 After a few modifications had been made , based on Frank 's own playing requirements , this model emerged as a bastard offspring of the Saber — the family lineage basically intact , but with a wilder spirit and some distinctly antipodean overtones .
16 All new patterns , but with a wider selection of weights of yarn for all seasons suitability and with styles from the simplest and most stylish to high-drama pieces for electronics .
17 Also included in the IFM recommendations are a national angling centre with teaching facilities and offices and continuing the use of Anglers Consultative Associations but with a wider range of representaion of angling interests .
18 Factory wages enabled young men and women to become economically independent of their families and some of them broke away completely , but most town dwellers maintained their family connections and were careful to preserve links not only with their immediate relatives but with a wider range of kin .
19 While Arbuthnot was tactful and exceedingly good-natured , Harriett was equally discreet but with a sharper mind .
20 If any have not generated this message , and the main image is not running , stop the image you started prior to the one which has failed and restart both , but with a longer wait in between .
21 Labour 's victory , widely predicted but with a smaller swing than they had hoped for , essentially ruled out any chance of a snap poll .
22 This is known as the STYCAR test and was devised by Mary Sheridan using the Snellen standard but with a smaller selection of letters and with the possibility of using a 3m distance , more suitable for younger children than the standard 6m distance .
23 Of the three windows , the large central one is carried on carved figures , an unusual design , which has much in common with the façade at Spoleto Cathedral , of similar date , but with a later porch in front .
24 It is a common fallacy that the cheaper , carbon-zinc batteries will do the same job but with a shorter life .
25 It is an incredibly ugly gruesome-looking animal , rather like a baby crocodile but with a shorter head .
26 At Hampton Ferry the Saturday match was cancelled but with a milder day the Sunday event was still going ahead Saturday night .
27 Some magnetic mounts could be done in order to fully utilise all available units but with a larger proportion of the work going to the faster unit .
28 Whether it was the unsavoury reputation of the government of Lloyd George ; or whether it was the division in the party between the followers of Lloyd George and the followers of Asquith ; or whether it was the aftermath of universal suffrage and the desire of the working man for a party which he could call his own — it now looked certain that the party division of the country would no longer lie between Liberal and Conservative but in a wider gulf between Conservative and Labour , with the Liberal Party on the sideline .
29 Holland , Stead , and others wrote warmly of him , but in a wider circle he was more respected than loved .
30 But in a wider context Gloucester failed to establish himself as the heir of the earls of Oxford .
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