Example sentences of "but [prep] [det] time [art] " in BNC.

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1 The training lasted only four months , but during that time the young mother was only able to spend one precious afternoon a week with her babies .
2 But during this time the pond started buzzing with activity as it filled with frogs , tadpoles , newts and pond skaters to name but a few .
3 Between 1963 and 1965 the volcano Irazu in Costa Rica was more or less continuously active , with frequent explosions raining ash over a wide area and ruining the all-important coffee crop , but throughout this time no lavas were erupted and there was no significant change in the pattern of the eruption .
4 The North 's share of the world 's energy consumption was expected to decrease from around 70 per cent to 60 per cent by 2020 , but in that time the proportion of the global population living in the South would have grown from 75 per cent to 80 per cent .
5 Those marks are no more than a few weeks old , that 's certain , but within that time no one knows when they were made .
6 Earlier lava flows , before the coming of man , date back a million years , but since that time the Colorado River has only cut down about 50 feet .
7 But at that time the PR mentality ( one could not call it mind ) was new to her .
8 This was followed years later by ATV 's look at lesbians , ‘ The Important Thing Is Love ’ ( 1971 ) : bizarre and reactionary it may have been , but at that time the mere presence of ‘ real lesbians ’ on TV was a revelation and lifeline for many women .
9 DIP first began as a concept around 1980 , but at that time the components were prohibitively expensive and the software needed to drive them was very rudimentary .
10 Neither of these names appeared to fit in Scotland but at that time the Mayor of New York was Mickie Walker and forever after through the aircraft industry George was known as Mickie .
11 But at that time the plaintiff had no actual existence ; was not a human being ; and was not a passenger — in fact , as Lord Coke says , the plaintiff was then pars viscerum matris , and we have not been referred to any authority or principle to show that a legal duty has ever been held to arise towards that which is not in esse in fact and has only a fictitious existence in law , so as to render a negligent act a breach of that duty .
12 ‘ I first investigated the possibility of studying for an occupational health certificate in 1975 , but at that time the only way that this could be achieved was by full-time studying and I could n't do that because of family commitments .
13 Eddie Gray did well , but at that time the board was tight .
14 But by that time a grand station had already been built in the centre of Alexandria .
15 But by that time a renewed coalition and a coalition election would not be arranged to get a mandate for war so much as to reap the benefits of victory .
16 Whatever the latter meant , the order was instantly obeyed , but by that time the thief had whipped Estabrook 's wallet into his own pocket , and had stepped back , hands raised to show them empty .
17 Yonge also brought out a second Musica Transalpina in 1597 but by that time the English madrigal was well established and flourishing .
18 And all they wanted it to do was to go around the corner to Marygate for the winter and then we s got the same in the spring to bring it back , but by that time the python was a lot bigger .
19 A year later the issue of ‘ appropriate liberty ’ and indeed the nature of the French Union itself was still unresolved but by this time a Preliminary Convention had been signed between the Government of the French Republic and what was described , and recognized , as the Government of Vietnam .
20 But by this time the Crown was assessing the royal forests , not so much as hunting preserves but as sources of timber , especially for ship-building .
21 It had its roots in the areas of Altarnun and Menheniot , ( where young Jonathon was christened ) , but by this time the family was well established at the house still known as Trelawne , at Pelynt , near the Looe to Polperro road .
22 But by this time the Captain had grown used to living in a blue haze .
23 In 1936 Robert Wagner had maintained that Charlie 's pictures are always ‘ proletarian ’ but by this time the politicization of criticism had already assured a wider and more varied critical response to Chaplin .
24 But by this time the profit level will be falling and the impetus will be dying away .
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