Example sentences of "but [adj] [noun sg] at the " in BNC.

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1 Fifty year old Manuela Sanchez from Cholsey near Wallingford is in a critical but stable position at the Harefield Hospital , while doctors scour the continent for a suitable donor organ .
2 Fifty year old Manuela Sanchez from Cholsey near Wallingford is in a critical but stable condition at the Harefield Hospital , and doctors are scouring the continent for a suitable donor organ .
3 But that night at the end of September which ended in revulsion and hatred so far as you were concerned had earlier come to a much more disgusting climax .
4 But that morning at the house , when you were on the phone … ’
5 Late that afternoon we made a perfect three-point landing at the RCAF airstrip in Whitehorse , capital of the Yukon Territory , where I found shelter for the night in a bare but adequate room at the Whitehorse Hotel .
6 Mr Douglas recalled the Spartan , but nourishing life at the Friends ' School .
7 ALAN Temple , a new England international , laid on a short but tremendous display at the North East divisional ABA finals at Gatehead Leisure Centre last night .
8 The CPR free-pass travel privilege was becoming an annual habit and the following year I took my holidays to New York finding a small but comfortable room at the Hotel Bristol on W. 47th Street , not far from Broadway , Times Square and Radio City .
9 Swayne secured the door and led the way upstairs to a sizeable but cluttered room at the front of the house , overlooking the street .
10 Readers hardly need me to remind them that the simple but magnificent monument at the head of Loch Shiel is to commemorate the 1745 Jacobite rebellion against English domination .
11 It is not the release of a hidden or blocked essence that should be the target of sexual radicalism , he suggests , but conscious intervention at the level of the definition of appropriate sexual behaviour .
12 The taste of his mouth on hers had haunted her last night in bed ; the memory of that all too brief but heart-stopping kiss at the fountain all those weeks ago still burned into her , reminding , taunting her .
13 Desire to make , he wrote , but physical revulsion at the falsity of all making .
14 It looks somewhat easier everytime I watched it but I remeber at the time Keith Macklin ( commentator ) almost having one with excitement .
15 Dale McIntosh might sound as through he comes from North of the Border , but one look at the young no.8 's Maori features makes you wonder how he found his way into the Scottish squad .
16 But one look at the lacklustre picture presented by the normally spirited Harriet convinced Meredith that she was not even aware the protesters were there , let alone that she had approached so close .
17 She had been spitting blood after a bad bout of coughing , but one look at the sputum told me it was clean blood .
18 But one look at the wall of guitars on this bunch of cutesy college kids and memories of Chapterhouse flood back instinctively .
19 But one look at the man in front of me was enough .
20 She pours withering scorn upon such ‘ painted poupées ’ as Joan Collins and Liz Taylor for the hours they devote to their images , as well as the men they choose as partners , but one look at the deep lines of bitterness etched into the faces of those women who renounce loving relationships in favour of cats , gardens or anything else tells me all I need to know .
21 Claudia opened her mouth to say she would call a taxi for herself but one look at the gleam in Roman 's amber eyes changed her mind .
22 He still felt strange , as if he was bending over the bodies of children , but one look at the dead faces calmed such scruples .
23 But one look at the uniform blankness of expression on the faces of the ‘ crowd ’ should tell you all you need to know .
24 Guillaume had already bought some drawings of Modigliani 's , but one afternoon at the Rotonde Max Jacob and Modi were sitting together on the terrace with Modi sketching as usual on the Rotonde 's thin paper napkins when Paul Guillaume sat down at their table and asked Modigliani whether he ever painted .
25 But one day at the club when he trotted out this phrase during some heated discussion in the midst of a little group of members ( all of them persons of some consequence ) , Nicholas Stavrogin who was standing to one side alone and unnoticed , suddenly went up to Mr Gaganov and , taking him unexpectedly and firmly with two fingers by the nose , managed to drag him two or three steps across the room .
26 But one glance at the cascading wisteria blossom — never mind the rest of the promising , if overgrown , London garden — and Spanish translator Patricia Grillo was hooked .
27 I am not sure that we would think the dancing , except by some of the principals , quite so wonderful by today 's standards , but we saw it with different eyes then , and John would have for comparison his memories of the Cape Town Ballet Club 's brave but handicapped attempt at the last act of the ballet , Aurora 's Wedding .
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