Example sentences of "but [adj] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 These account for around a fifth of live births in this group of handicaps , but due to the limited life-expectancy , they are not present in the community .
2 In this campaign he led a large body of troops , as befitted such a powerful prince , but due to the continuing disputes between himself and Barbarossa , he abandoned the imperial cause at the siege of Allessandria .
3 It seemed the blind girl found living with Boz and his bride very restricting , but due to the bad weather she was not allowed to leave the camp for much of the winter .
4 Following a wet start , October was generally overcast but dry until the 14th .
5 But each of the five possible routes proposed has drawbacks : apart from the cost ( about £4 million ) , they would bring new problems for other villages , cut through farm land or devastate the watermeadows and wildlife habitats in the Letheringsett and Glaven Valley Conservation Areas .
6 The legislation at present does not require delegation to special schools , nursery schools or primary schools with less than 200 pupils , but each of the primary schools has to have a budget share which is managed individually .
7 The commissions were not of much political importance themselves , but each of the thirty-two county commissions was headed by a national figure whose selection gives some idea of the balance of power .
8 The commissions were not of much political importance themselves , but each of the thirty-two county commissions was headed by a national figure whose selection gives some idea of the balance of power .
9 This does not necessarily mean that a diversity of penal aims is ruled out , but each of the different aims must be justified by the same general philosophy if our position is to be coherent .
10 But each of the leading Jewish sects of Palestine developed a style of life which in its way kept Hellenization on the surface .
11 Kristeva 's own voice is recorded in this volume only in the first of the essays , ‘ The Adolescent Novel ’ , but each of the subsequent pieces variously addresses aspects of her work .
12 The Zulu leader Mangosuthu Buthelezi is black but tolerant of the white minority .
13 Not only will Germany continue to provide some support for their exports , but neither of the two economies spent and borrowed with the abandon of the English-speaking world in the 1980s .
14 Of the 10 patients who had taken oral contraceptives , only one developed gall stone recurrence but neither of the two patients taking hormone replacement treatment developed recurrent stones .
15 He was found not guilty of the serious charge of seditious libel but guilty of the lesser misdemeanour of creating a public mischief .
16 They 'd told her , on no account was he to be allowed to cry for a feed , but that at the same time he was n't to be put to the breast unless he really wanted to .
17 They argue that they have a strong commitment to the environment and are making major investments to improve efficiency of water consumption , but that at the same time they also have a commitment to their customers .
18 He said that the basic principle for a compromise should be that " all extreme proposals , such as dismantling the project , should be ruled out , but that at the same time the Danube should not suffer irreversible damage " .
19 The question about the first category was the same as the 1984 survey , but that about the second differed in that it was concerned with the use of agency workers in the previous month rather than the previous 12 months .
20 The significance was not that a testator 's intentions were allowed to play more freely , but that for the first time the law was dealing with an open rather than a closed system , a system that offered unlimited possibilities for expansion .
21 However , when subjects had to concurrently remember 2,4 or 6 words the reaction time for both hemispheres improved , but that for the right hemisphere more than that for the left hemisphere , which resulted in a LVF superiority .
22 ‘ It was all cooked together , Inspector , but that for the high table was placed there , ’ Auguste explained , pointing to a corner table , ‘ and the rest was carried into the other kitchen , which is usually used for the preparation of food and storage .
23 I must advise the hon. Gentleman , however , that the phrase in Big Farm Weekly , ’ Goodbye to the BSE scourge ’ was not mine , but that of the chief veterinary officer .
24 It is not that they are less likely to be murdered , raped , robbed , or assaulted — although the best scientific evidence based on victimization surveys shows this to be true ( Hindelang , Gottfredson , and Garofalo 1978 ) — but that in the criminal law , definitions of murder , rape , robbery , assault , theft , and other serious crimes are so constructed as to exclude many similar , and in important respects , identical acts , and these are just the acts likely to be committed more frequently by powerful individuals .
25 It follows from the above account of the expectations-augmented Phillips curve that in the short-run , both Y and P rise ( and unemployment falls ) , but that in the long-run , unemployment returns to the NUP and Y falls back to that level associated with the NUP .
26 Almost a decade earlier , he had reached the conclusion that an ethic was in the final analysis " inevitable " , but that in the current historical climate it was " impossible " .
27 By what criteria do we judge that our conditioning in this century accords with the Divine will but that in the earlier generations does not ? ’
28 In consolidating data from several areas it has been proposed that a rapid rise of sea level occurred in the early Holocene but that in the last 6000 years the rate has been far less , although it may have diminished progressively , it may have risen to c .
29 The implications were that I had no physical characteristics of my own , but that in the same way as I ‘ had ’ my father 's nose , or my grandmother 's eyes , I somehow inhabited a body which was not mine but a replica of my mother 's , and over which , therefore , I had no control .
30 For instance , the London Borough of Southwark remained under Labour control after the May 1982 local elections , but two-thirds of the Labour councillors were new , following ‘ de-selections ’ and defections to the newly formed Social Democratic Party .
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