Example sentences of "'s [noun pl] for the next " in BNC.

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1 It has been important to review the establishment of a binary system and some of its implications , as although the CNAA was created in 1964 , it was the binary policy and its implementation that set the seal on the CNAA 's operations for the next two decades .
2 Developments such as these were to occupy some of Newton 's successors for the next couple of centuries .
3 Together with Nina 's secretary , Alex rescheduled most of the Editor 's appointments for the next couple of weeks .
4 It was against this background that WACC 's Central Committee considered WACC 's priorities for the next five years .
5 The final collation was then made by the headteacher who again added comments on general issues and problems , and established the school 's priorities for the next year .
6 There are six contestants , and two of them will be chosen to be wardens of the John Dakyn Trust and administer the trust 's affairs for the next two years .
7 Kenneth Baker put the Party faithful under starter 's orders for the next general election ; he told them to get ready for a fight , and then told them why they would win .
8 The theme of raising standards is continued in Historic Scotland 's 1993 Corporate Plan , which sets out the agency 's objectives for the next three years .
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