Example sentences of "'s [adj] [noun sg] [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Some £1.6m of the Westhoughton , Bolton-based company 's total debt will bear interest at only 1% per annum until January 1994 — this has led to interest savings of more than £500,000 a year at 1992 reduced interest levels .
2 London 's total output may increase by 7 per cent , placing it in danger of breaching the EC legal standard .
3 But the unit 's low cost will ensure its future appeal within the small business community .
4 When people queried whether Eva 's alert mind would get bored repeating the same course every couple of months she had a ready answer .
5 ( It 's just possible that the youngsters were expressing a scientific talent rather than a dislike of the press , for their is no denying that McGinty 's ample form would produce an immediate uplift in the balloon . )
6 Although there was as yet no sign that the IRA was capable of mounting the sort of offensive which followed four years later , Paisley had no doubt where O'Neill 's reforming policy would lead :
7 Unless we can devise an approach which recognises the need to incur such costs , the market 's short-term mentality will continue to undervalue good and profitable companies and the fear of takeover to divert management from its most important tasks .
8 The patient 's pre-operative condition can indicate the likelihood of breathing related problems arising post-operatively .
9 In its native China , the wheelbarrow 's narrow wheel might have sliced through the mud and found rock beneath , but here it just cut deep into the sand .
10 Unless the Government are prepared to provide a forum for funds and expertise to assist the defence industry to diversify into other products , the job losses and the decline in Britain 's economic performance will continue — but , then , the Secretary of State does not care .
11 In that case the cost to France 's economic reconstruction would have been immense .
12 Whitehall 's obsessive secrecy may have a more humane base than generally allowed , though that seems rather unlikely .
13 Head of the Department of the Environment 's science unit , Dick Derwent , who was in Teesside to see the progress , dismissed suggestions that Redcar 's Technical College might have been a better site .
14 Further evidence comes from detailed observational studies of adult-child interactions which have suggested that infants are able to synchronise gross motor activity with the intonational contours of adult conversation ( Condon and Sander 1974 ) and that imitation of an adult 's facial expression can occur as early as three days after birth ( Meltzoff and Moore 1977 , 1983 ) .
15 Trace , suspecting Randy 's incessant baiting might have some basis in desire , stepped up the spite .
16 Dr Irving said a snatcher 's emotional crisis could stem from infertility , the loss of a baby or a craving to be loved .
17 The candidate 's professional career must show a clear progression and unquestionable achievements .
18 Pharmacy was chosen for review because university cuts in the subject , announced by the UGC in 1981 , were made on the grounds that courses were available in the public sector , and because the UGC has recently established a panel on subjects allied in medicine , including pharmacy , with which NAB 's working group can consult and co-ordinate some measure of trans-binary planning .
19 And a crucial link between the budget malaise and the city 's political system will go on being ignored .
20 But with Jean-Pierre Papin bound for Italy , and a major shake-up promised for next season , there are fears that Mr Tapie 's political career may signify the end of an era at the Stade Velodrome .
21 Incompetent candidates with friends valuable to Keith 's political interest could try his patience sorely .
22 Frenchman Clement Ader 's bird-winged Eole may have been the first aircraft to take off under its own power ( a 20 hp steam engine ) in 1890 , but never really flew , lacking natural stability and any control system — though Ader did invent what is still the French word for an aeroplane : avion .
23 ( The government feared that Russia 's rampant inflation would make repeated attempts to fix asset prices so clumsy that privatisation could be postponed indefinitely . )
24 But in the isolation that their riches had brought about , and in their serene acceptance that privilege was their due , they did not anticipate for a moment the press of people Don Antonio Beatillo 's idiosyncratic will would bring to their door .
25 The XJ-Two Twenty , which costs almost half a million pounds was being test driven by a motoring journalist , when he accidentally changed down to first gear instead of third while travelling at NINETY miles an hour.It 'll need about twenty thousand pounds to mend the broken car … the driver 's wounded pride may take a little more work .
26 Man 's cultural development can arise only at the cost of a persisting lack of satisfaction of those sexual impulses which are seen as improper by men and women — the higher the degree of civilization and education , the greater the number of unsatisfied impulses .
27 Even a slight awareness of A. S. Neill 's compassionate philosophy would have prevented him from making the inept link with the Nazis and racism .
28 Man 's free will would have to go as well , and we would be left with an unloving , gatecrashing dictator God who refuses to allow people to choose their own eternal destiny .
29 GINA 'S French blood would make her appreciate the similarity between the words ‘ cherry ’ and ‘ chérie ’ , even if Eleanor did n't understand .
30 Someone from McLaughlin 's old shop would come and pick it up .
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