Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] seem [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 TERRY Venables was ousted as chief executive of Tottenham Hotspur yesterday but the bruising battle for the club 's future seemed far from over last night .
2 Lam 's biography seems tailor-made for todays ' infatuation with multiculturalism : he was born in Cuba to a Chinese father and a Creole mother , he was a Roman Catholic fascinated by Santeria ( Cuban animism ) , his studies and work took him to France , Spain , the United States and the Caribbean , and each of his three wives came from a different European country .
3 The long thin mouth was pulled down at the corners like a tragic mask , the eyes were hooded , the shoulders hunched , head bent forward so that the man 's gaze seemed fixed on the surface of the table .
4 While Senator Bob Kerrey of Nebraska and Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa were expected to accrue some of the black support which would otherwise have gone to Wilder , the principal beneficiary of Wilder 's withdrawal seemed likely to be front-runner Bill Clinton , who had won considerable black support in his five campaigns for the governorship of Arkansas .
5 One book included a comment that Hitler had a ‘ mystical appeal ’ to women , but fails to discuss why or how , and suggests that Hitler 's views on the home as women 's place seem old-fashioned to us today , something unfortunately far from the case .
6 Man 's place in these photographs is indicated , apart from the miles of clearcut ground , by tiny trucks and a speck-sized helicopter touched dawn in a clearing : Man seems like an adventurer who occurs somewhat late in geophysical history and his influence on the earth 's surface seems incommensurate with either his scale or his significance .
7 However , one knew one 's duty even if the parson 's wife seemed negligent of hers .
8 All are pressed into service to create gorgeous glam-tastic tunes brimming full of charm , wit and unexpected bits where Crispin Hunt 's voice seems inebriated on premium-strength helium .
9 The two rivals ' remarks came as attempts to negotiate a truce in the bitter struggle between parliament and Mr Yeltsin 's executive seemed close to collapse .
10 ‘ Sartre 's endeavour seems contradictory in the one case and superfluous in the other ’ ( 246 ) .
11 Although Franco 's position seemed unassailable in May 1939 , the state of the Spanish economy constituted a potentially disastrous hole in the dyke .
12 And Mary 's mother seemed satisfied with her grandchild .
13 Benny 's mother seemed excited about seeing the new outfit herself .
14 Looking back , the superintendent 's solution seemed obvious to the sergeant .
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