Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] and [verb] some " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I suggest we review next year 's budget and make some radical changes .
2 On being told about this Guntram followed the dragon 's route and discovered some treasure , which he originally determined to send to Jerusalem , but then decided to use for a ciborium for the church of St Marcel at Chalon .
3 The thought of entering the disaster area of an elderly widow 's grief and shouldering some of the responsibility for helping her to bear it , and to rebuild what is left of her life , is enough to create feelings of anxiety in anyone ; and admittedly this can be a very difficult assignment , for not only will you be well aware that you are unable to give her the one thing she really wants — the return of her husband — but you will feel , as we all do when faced with the bereaved , that their personality seems suddenly to have been crushed like a flower under the heel of a vandal , showing it to be so fragile and vulnerable that almost any attempt to revive it would seem to be doomed to failure .
4 At Kunstat we visit a ceramics factory , where you can try your hand at the potter 's wheel and buy some very reasonably priced pottery from their retail outlet .
5 In the afternoon , when only her mother was with her , she stated spontaneously to a nurse that she did not want a blood transfusion , that she had been a Jehovah 's Witness and retained some beliefs .
6 He started to put his arm round Nancy 's waist and reached some of the way towards her mouth before she moved away from him .
7 Of these the elder , William ( 1705–1747 ) — to whom he left ‘ all my stock of Marble and Timber … in my Marble Yard in Warwick ’ — continued in his father 's business and built some more country houses in the midlands .
8 Conditioners help by smoothing the hair 's surface and replenishing some of its natural moisture .
9 He tried to settle matters between Cecily and Watkin the dung collector 's wife and achieved some accord : Cecily would be the Madonna provided Watkin 's wife could be the Virgin 's cousin , Saint Elizabeth .
10 In either case , it will be necessary to attach a small microphone somewhere below the child 's chin and to provide some arrangement for the child to carry around the radio transmitter or the small tape recorder .
11 Had n't she known , six years ago , pregnant and alone , that it would take a miracle for her to survive Tony 's death and build some kind of life for herself and her child ?
12 He 'd covered her over with a coat and taken her few possessions inside , and she 'd slept on ; she 'd been the same way for the last couple of hours of the journey , ever since they 'd made their final stop at a twenty-four hour garage so that he could fill the Zodiac 's tank and buy some tape for a running repair to the headlamp that he 'd broken when , lights doused to escape notice , he 'd clipped the corner of the garage block on their way out of the parking area .
13 I changed into Tommy 's uniform and met some others of the crew : Oliver , who was a waiter in the special dining car , like myself , and several of the sleeping-car attendants , one to each car the whole length of the train .
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