Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] and a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If there were , then the last decade and a half of selectionist-neutralist controversies over all these different non-definitional issues could have been settled in advance without recourse to empirical data , in an armchair with a scientist 's glossary and a logician 's truth table .
2 What is the difference between a pain in one 's foot and a pain in one 's stomach ?
3 The Sartre-type account is really no more than an endorsement of what James called ‘ the most natural and immediate answer ’ to the question , ‘ What is the difference between a pain in one 's foot and a pain in one 's stomach ? ’
4 In this essay I have tried to make the most of one such region — in which the connection between one 's everyday experience of bodily sensations and one 's conception of the relation of body and mind seems fairly plain : to accept the James-type account , and the general conceptual background of which it is a symptom , is to deny one 's everyday experience of the difference between a pain in one 's foot and a pain in one 's stomach .
5 The legislative powers of the public water authorities have been highlighted by Mr Ralston 's case and a proposal by the Central Scotland Water Development Board to lay a 12-mile mains from the treatment works at Balmore to Cumbernauld because of an increase in demand .
6 Hilda Lini , the Prime Minister 's sister and a VP MP , proposed that a number of police and court functions might , under the terms of the amended constitution , be shifted to the traditional authority structures of the villages .
7 People had been shocked , by numbers as well as by gratuitous death itself , as people will be , and Mrs Maguire 's sister and a friend had founded the Peace People , whose brave beginning and sad end will not be chronicled here .
8 The proposal of such words to a writer can lead to disbelief about a word 's existence and a lack of confidence in the system .
9 In the bedroom cupboard , scented with lavender , a man 's shirt and a woman 's white skirt swung among the empty coat-hangers .
10 On Dec. 9 opposition parties forced the adjournment of Parliament amid pandemonium and competing calls for Rao 's resignation and a ban on the BJP .
11 STRATHBEG is a naturalist 's paradise and a trout fisherman 's delight .
12 Carradine hacked at the other man 's stick and a length of wood flew away .
13 The lyrics , in English and in their entirety , are ‘ We drive/We drive/On the motorway ’ , thereby precluding any Bruce Springsteen-style nonsense about the wind in one 's hair and a girl on the pillion .
14 When we arrive there 's a three inch pile of mail on the floor , the day 's diary overruns one of the computer screens and the breakfast table is set with grapefruit , muesli , cereals , Frank Cooper 's marmalade and a vase of flowers that may or may not have been pinks .
15 There was a gulp from the extinguisher 's valve and a trickle of yellow-white liquid dribbled pathetically from its nozzle .
16 They could also , of course , be used by less friendly rustlers descending unawares on those communities : one hill track between St Mary 's Loch and a ford across the Tweed was ruefully dubbed ‘ Thief 's Road ’ ; but most such raiders preferred to shun known tracks and ride straight across wild countryside on their sturdy little Border horses , known as hobblers or hobbies .
17 The Renault lorry 's trailer became wedged under the bridge 's archway and a crane was brought to the scene to pull the vehicle free .
18 However , the distinction between a trader 's puff and a statement having legal significance is a fine one .
19 On the other hand India , which had 170,000 nationals working in Kuwait and several thousands in Iraq , limited its response to an acceptance of the need to comply with mandatory sanctions , an expression of regret at Iraq 's action and a call for the withdrawal of troops .
20 Lou smoked three cigarettes a day : it was his one bad habit — and on one occasion Sophie 's skirt and a stub had somehow come into contact .
21 The narrow inner door had been invisible in the uniformity of the panelling , and its latch had made no sound as it was lifted ; but suddenly there was a man framed in the doorway , a lean , wiry , lightly-built creature , stepping out of the wall with a conjuror 's aplomb and a deer-hound 's lanky grace .
22 In February ULFA set out its terms for entering into negotiations with the central government , including a withdrawal of President 's rule and a ceasefire [ see p. 38006 ] .
23 He was educated at King 's College School , London , and later made journalism his career , but the strong religious instinct on his father 's side and a love of music inherited from his Italian forebears combined to provide another vocation .
24 More crucially , there are now six points between Brian Clough 's side and a position of safety .
25 Little is known about Philip Henry Thomas 's life and career before he settled down in Lambeth with his Newport-born wife Elizabeth , grand-daughter of Alderman William Townsend ( 1795–1877 ) on her father 's side and a sea-captain named Marendaz on her mother 's side .
26 What possible reasons and motives could the Patrick Meehan Committee , consisting of a Queen 's Counsel , an MP , four solicitors and myself , have had other than a belief in Meehan 's innocence and a wish therefore to clear his name ?
27 In addition to this he favoured a condom made from a sheep 's intestine and a collection of two-ounce gold balls which seemingly brought security and immense satisfaction to his partners .
28 Lee gave him a shove , there was some pushing and tripping up , Kevin fell over into Dean 's lap and a woman at the other end of the car shouted that if they did n't behave themselves she 'd find someone at Goldhawk Road who would make them .
29 For example , a 30 second live report which is due to take place at the same time as Martina Navratilova is about to serve for the match can be both a reporter 's dream and a producer 's nightmare .
30 I am great fan of tennis , especially women 's tennis and a couple of weeks ago I went down to Brighton to the semi-final matches of the Midland Bank Indoor Championships .
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