Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] [vb past] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Initially all Gehlen 's funding came from the CIA but later , in 1954 when the German Federal Republic was established as a sovereign state , Gehlen took over the running of the Federal German Intelligence Service .
2 Twenty years ago more than three quarters of the College 's income came in the form of a government grant .
3 In 1991 , only 50 per cent of the SCO 's income came from the box office , compared to an average of 69 per cent .
4 Bissett 's difficulty lay in the time he had been allocated for his paper on the theoretical dimensions of the device .
5 On the far side of Farringdon Road , Graham passed Easton Street where another painter 's or window-cleaner 's cradle lay on the pavement , up-ended for some reason , neat coils of rope around it .
6 As Seawitch rolled heavily Polly 's foot slipped on the wet deck and she stumbled backwards , pulling Nathan with her .
7 But the SSD claimed this week that the Appeal Court 's judgement flew in the face of earlier court decisions .
8 Even if Dr Courtney 's case went to the Court of Appeal , it would be unlikely to impose the stiffest jail term of life imprisonment .
9 In the evenings I taught my son , Branwell , and my wife 's sister looked after the youngest child , Anne .
10 Shakespear 's Sister took to the stage to what must be the worst intro tape I 've ever heard .
11 Meanwhile C. and Miss T. 's sister arrived at the hospital , as did Miss T. 's mother .
12 Flack 's skin glistened in the white , gritty light , his thin face tight with fatigue .
13 The snake 's skin trembled at the movement in the air .
14 Yoshida 's decision resulted from the deductions he had drawn from Acheson 's major speech on 12 January 1950 in which he had indicated the principles of American policy in East Asia .
15 In the wake of the F-111s that had flown out from their British bases to bomb targets in Tripoli and Benghazi , Mutual Radio 's correspondent arrived on the scene on 17 April with a laissez passer from the Libyan Consulate in Zurich .
16 I am dying , Egypt , dying , her mind gabbled when Dotty Blundell 's brassière fell to the dusty floor .
17 Haughey 's resignation came after the speaker of the Senate and former Justice Minister , Sean Doherty , revealed that Haughey had been fully informed of the tapping of two journalists ' telephones by police in 1982 in an effort to trace Cabinet leaks .
18 Only the nucleus of Jacob Brailey 's gang remained at the camp on the fringe of the Wychwood Forest .
19 As the day of ‘ our final hour ’ approached our publicity releases continued to whip up public opinion , and I carefully planned the last programme for broadcast from 9pm on the last evening until the station 's license expired with the stroke of midnight .
20 Kelly 's mum came to the school and took her away .
21 But when Angela 's mum complained about the feast she started a family feud .
22 Georgia 's parliament appealed to the United Nations on Thursday , saying : ‘ The events of recent days in Abkhazia confirm Russia is expanding the scope of its undeclared war against Georgia . ’
23 Miranda 's hair flamed against the pillow as she lay back with her eyes closed , thinking , Too late to stop him now .
24 Downstairs Madeleine 's hair flamed in the gold circle of light cast by the lamp .
25 The sizzling of the water in the kettle had masked the sound of Maurice 's footsteps and Charlotte 's heart lurched at the realization that he was standing next to her , so close she could imagine he had read her thoughts .
26 Belinda 's heart thudded at the sound of his name , and it seemed like much longer than a day since she had last seen him .
27 Leonora 's heart sank at the prospect of a whole fortnight without him , and as if scenting victory Penry moved closer , his long forefinger caressing her drooping lower lip .
28 Maggie 's heart leapt at the request .
29 The dog leaped at the closest man who , encumbered with carbine and sword , could not cut down at the beast , then Sharpe 's mare slammed into the Frenchman 's horse and the big sword slashed down at the Dragoon .
30 Frankenstein 's monster stood outside the shattered door .
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