Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In the experiment illustrated at the top , the toad 's response to a small black object revolving in its visual field is measured .
2 Seen in this gallery context it invites us to view it as an individual 's response to a constructed drama .
3 Paul Rogers missed an even easier chance when Adrian Littlejohn split Liverpool 's defence with a low cross , and Brian Deane sent a point-blank header wide , both in a second-half come back that had Liverpool wilting .
4 The producer is a catalyst between account group , creative team and media department who have allocated the client 's money to a particular schedule .
5 The move followed fresh evidence which threw doubt upon the veracity of the testimony during Bond 's trial of a key witness , Laurie Connell .
6 Above : Cat 's Cradle on a typical scoop kite links leading edge and the cross-spar with two triple bridles .
7 Latzsch , who has played 56 times for her country , made the first goal then got Germany 's winner with a sensational solo effort , after England equalised .
8 Eventually these ideas coalesced into the belief that Germany 's rise as a new state and as an industrial power was being hampered by uncertainty over the unreliable national loyalties of the Slav peoples in the east , by the back-stabbing machinations of the Jews inside Germany , and by the threat of communism that came in both Slav and Jewish forms .
9 Rosenthal then restored Liverpool 's advantage with a stinging shot in the 44th minute before Wimbledon replied again in the 65th minute when Clarke converted another Miller cross .
10 Since the Third International 's change to a popular front policy in 1935 , groups such as the Jewish People 's Council against Fascism and Anti-Semitism , the International Labour Defence of Britain and the London Ex-Servicemen 's Defence against Fascism were part-Communist party front organizations and part spontaneous working-class resentment against the incursion of the fascists into the East End of London .
11 Denktash 's position was rejected by Resolution 649 approved by the UN Security Council on March 13 , 1990 , which reaffirmed the Council 's support for a bicommunal federal republic excluding " any form of partition or secession " .
12 Khan emphasized Pakistan 's support for a proposed conference on nuclear non-proliferation in the region to be attended by China , India , Pakistan , Russia and the USA .
13 In approaching the question of the primacy of Canterbury , we need once more to examine the roots of Anselm 's support for a local claim which ran counter to one of the most powerful principles of papal policy at this time .
14 This is cold-blooded business indeed , just as was the Balfour Declaration of 1917 that gave Britain 's support to a Jewish homeland providing that ‘ nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine ’ .
15 The acts of weighing involve probing the box 's interaction with a gravitational field .
16 Again , there is likely to be a serious breach of natural justice if a manager , after hearing an employee 's case at a disciplinary interview or appeal meeting , has a private discussion with the person who presented the case on behalf of the company , or with a witness , before reaching his decision .
17 Gladstone 's case for a balanced budget was above all a moral not a technical one .
18 Others , like Clifford or J. B. Paton , were leaders in various reform movements : in Clifford 's case for a national health service and the abolition of capital punishment ; in Paton 's , for rural colonization .
19 Private insurance policies against earning a low income per se are hard to find , because once you paid the premium the moral hazard problem central to Baumol 's case for a public enterprise ( see chapter 5 ) would then loom very large indeed .
20 Eventually Howard and Bill Saltman meet back home , two blocks away from the RCA building ; but in Howard 's case with a great sense of velocity from his journeyings .
21 I was most impressed by the effective way in which my hon. Friend the Member for Chelmsford destroyed the hon. Gentleman 's case during a short intervention .
22 Football : Bingham 's heated argument : Joe Lovejoy reports on Dublin 's faith in a reserved passage to Italy
23 The book begins , with the description of father and son at the latter 's birth ; the following paragraph is so formal in its rhetorical design , balancing each element of Mr Dombey 's description against a similar element of the description of Paul , that we may set it out in tabular form ( reading the columns from left to right ) : This is a brief glimpse of one kind of language which recurs at intervals throughout the book , especially at symbolic and ceremonial points in the fortunes of the Dombey family : births , funerals , and marriages .
24 The Chancellor has evidently made it clear to Moscow that West Germany respects East Germany 's existence as a separate state , that it does not want to alter the present military set-up of Nato and the Warsaw Pact , and that although it aims to overcome the division of Europe , this does not also apply to the political division of Germany — at least for the foreseeable future .
25 She had also made her mark in the plum role of Jo in the original London and Broadway productions of A Taste of Honey , Shelagh Delaney 's play about a working-class girl who reluctantly faces motherhood after an affair with a black sailor , and finally chooses a life without men .
26 Such a government , Lawrence asserted , ‘ would be child 's play for a decent man to run , so long as he ran it like Cromer 's Egypt , not like the Egypt of the Protectorate .
27 He takes shelter at a Pennine farm where the man 's daily conversational output is ‘ Two more dead i ’ beck ’ and the woman listens to Holly 's soliloquy like a raggedy Miranda , astonished as the sound of a human voice .
28 The chief executive of Newcrest Mining , the joint-venture partner which had planned to mine the site , denounced Hawke 's decision as a dangerous precedent .
29 As she feared , her mother took Miss Hatherby 's decision as a social slap in the face and blamed her daughter for wasting an opportunity .
30 Many will see Mr De Klerk 's decision as a back-handed tribute to the independence of the judiciary .
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