Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Hangovers are actually the body 's response of shock at being subjected to a substantial dose of a poisonous substance .
2 The embarrassing parallels between the party 's response to discontent in Peking and Lhasa also embrace rhetoric and ideology .
3 The Forth studies will include other transport developments proposed last month in the Government 's response to consultation on possible improvements to road , rail , bus , traffic management and public transport west of Edinburgh and between Lothian and Fife .
4 Elsewhere , workers are trying to alter the body 's response to disease by adding information to its cells .
5 These coffins , England 's response in lead to the Egyptian mummy case , became fashionable in the fifteenth century and were still to be seen in some areas in the last decade of the seventeenth century , though they were beginning to decline in popularity during the 1660s and 1670s .
6 For instance , if an amount is included in a person 's income by virtue of TA 1988 , s421 ( assessment in respect of loan from close company ) in respect of any loan or advance , there is to be a corresponding reduction in the amount which can be included and taxable under TA 1988 , s677 ( TA 1988 , s677(3) ) .
7 Associated Tunnelling Co Ltd the Employment Appeals Tribunal ( EAT ) held that the tribunal had correctly concluded that there was an implied term in Mr Jones 's contract of employment to the effect that his employer had the right to transfer him to any site within reasonable daily commuting reach of his home .
8 It was held that the defendant had not repudiated the plaintiff 's contract of employment by refusing to allow her to carry out her duties until her fixed-term contract had expired .
9 Similarly the court in Bullivant ( Roger ) Ltd v Ellis took note of the duration of a restrictive covenant in a former employee 's contract of employment in determining how long it would restrain the defendant from using an index of customers removed from his former employers .
10 Correction : our Moscow correspondent has had second thoughts , and now advises us that Hewlett-Packard Co 's contract with Asuneft in Siberia is worth $3m ( CI No 2,118 ) .
11 Sidney 's Defence of Poetry for instance assumes a hostile critical environment , maintaining that there are important groups who mistrust poetic fictions altogether .
12 He had been openly critical of his own archbishop 's defence of discrimination against homosexuals in church employment .
13 Nor am I convinced by Marnham 's defence of Simenon against the charge of anti-Semitism — that he was simply ‘ politically inexperienced and intellectually naive ’ .
14 In doing so I wanted not to reduce , say , Gide 's or Fanon 's defence of difference to the limiting historical conditions of its articulation — the first as merely a sexual tourist , the second as developing a homophobic theory of Negrophobia .
15 The Chief of the General Staff of the People 's Army , Kico Mustaqi , was appointed Minister of People 's Defence in place of Prokop Murra .
16 The emphasis was now to be increasingly on service , given to and paid for by the state , which assumed the right to appoint its commanders ( this was made easier by the fact that all accepted the state 's money for service in war ) and to demand that it got the best available in return for its money .
17 Awards received by Freeman , Fox & Partners , to which his outstanding designs contributed in no small way , included the Queen 's award to industry in 1967 , and , jointly with Rolls-Royce , the first MacRobert award in 1969 .
18 She had been a member of the bank 's board of management since November 1991 and had worked at the bank for 30 years .
19 But last year 's wave of violence against immigrants , which claimed 17 lives and provoked a series of mass candle-light anti-racism marches , has increased pressure to do something to ease tensions between Germans and foreigners .
20 As far as one can assess the merit of Levin 's text in relation to its subject , it seems somewhat implausible that Debord can be all the things for which he is proclaimed .
21 Whaling and jute were two of the chief sources of Dundee 's rise to prominence as a port .
22 Baldwin 's rise to power as the Conservative leader and prime minister in 1923 and 1924 — 9 was ruled by two considerations : first , the need to tame the Labour party and to force it to accept the conventions of parliamentary politics ; and second , to ensure that Lloyd George be kept out of office at all costs .
23 She was referring to President Aquino 's rise to power on a wave of sympathy following the assassination of her husband .
24 At demonstrations , he had seen faces ‘ filled with hatred ’ which reminded him of the months preceding Hitler 's rise to power in 1933 .
25 Members can draw an important lesson from the hon. Lady 's rise to office as a junior Minister in the Department .
26 He believes this ‘ tripartite alliance ’ is the reason for Japan 's rise to domination in world markets , and the only way that Britain 's true industrial base can be saved .
27 Here , you will be able to follow Sooty 's rise to super-stardom through the sets , props , scripts , photos and films which have enthralled the very young and the very old ! for 40 years .
28 Brent London Borough Council , by which the social worker was employed and which was a party to the proceedings , took the initiative in seeking M. 's committal for contempt of court , but if it had not done so some other initiative by or on behalf of the court itself would have been necessary .
29 In 1927 Variety 's judgement of Rose of the Tenements was that ‘ New York 's pictorially hackneyed East Side ’ had been used as the setting for ‘ a drab colourless presentation offering little in either entertainment or box office value ’ , and that family problems had not been ‘ dramatized to an extent where the mob can be made to forget the obvious ordinary scheme of things ’ .
30 At that very moment Ingulph came by and on seeing him Ashford 's relations acknowledged God 's judgement in favour of the abbey .
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