Example sentences of "'s [noun] [to-vb] [adv prt] a " in BNC.

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1 One game , called Net Trek , which has recently made the transition from PD to commercial product , uses sounds sampled from the Star Trek television series to accompany the user 's attempts to pilot around a galaxy of other Mac users , when all the machines are connected together by the network .
2 Campaigners have welcomed Cleveland County Council 's decision to carry out a road safety study taking in Sappers Corner and Truro Drive on the A689 on the outskirts of Hartlepool .
3 Washington 's fear of devaluation is reflected in Johnson 's decision to set up a Special Study Group in the middle of 1965 to examine the implications of the weakness of sterling for the dollar and the Bretton Woods international monetary system .
4 Reliant 's decision to bring out a British-made sports car follows its success with the revamped Sabre , which sells at £15,000 .
5 LABOUR 'S transport spokesman John Prescott could step in over British Rail 's plans to sell off a Darlington sports ground .
6 He said Advanced Micro 's announcement it plans to ship ‘ hundreds of thousands ’ of 80486 chips this year amounts to about one week of Intel 's total productive capacity , and as for the latter 's plans to line up a manufacturing partner to boost production in 1994 , he said he doubts the company will find much excess capacity in the industry — and any company acting as a partner with Advanced Micro could face legal action , but he would not say what Intel might do .
7 It helps to ask the client 's permission to jot down a few facts .
8 Meanwhile , Francois Boutin 's bid to pull off a clean sweep of the French Classics rests with Accommodating in the French Oaks at Chantilly on Sunday .
9 After the failure of Hawkins 's attempt to open up a regular slave trade with South America , the English had paid only infrequent visits to the west coast of Africa , though a company to trade with ‘ Ginny and Binny ’ ( Guinea and Benin ) had been launched in 1618 .
10 Rank 's attempt to carve out a niche in the American market failed because his films were too slow and talkative for transatlantic tastes .
11 Perhaps the greatest triumph was that of Susanne Bobzien , originally a Somervillian , who moved from Balliol to Queen 's College to take up a Philosophy Fellowship .
12 Of more pressing necessity , however , is Brady 's need to draw up a list of the players he would like to see departing from , and arriving at , Celtic Park .
13 Most classical choreographers still use this device when working with nineteenth-century ballet music , which was often written to order by a composer understanding the choreographer 's desire to show off a dancer .
14 The Council 's initiative to set up a multi-professional group to address the borough 's drugs problem was well conceived for it allowed , for the first time , the information and concerns picked up by various parties in relation to heroin to be pulled together .
15 They also identify the concept of patterning care to take advantage of a person 's routine to send in a helper ‘ when it gets dark ’ to prepare a light meal before bed .
16 The trick is to use the person 's name to conjure up a picture in your mind .
17 For those ‘ Old Fighters ’ who had been enthusiastic Hitler supporters even before the demise of the Weimar Republic , for the direct beneficiaries of Nazism — the careerists , power-seekers , and apparatchiks who had the Third Reich to thank for their offices and careers in Party and State , and for the ideologically committed who had ‘ burnt their boats ’ with the Nazi regime , the belief in the Führer 's powers to bring about a miracle and achieve final victory in the face of all the odds was the blind faith rooted in self-interest and fear of the future .
18 Danforth 's efforts to draw up a compromise bill followed the approval of a Democrat-sponsored civil rights bill by the House of Representatives and a pledge by Bush that he would veto the measure if it was endorsed by the Senate .
19 Later , after Tanganyika had become British , the company producing the Standard was invited by Tanganyika 's governor to set up a paper in Dar es Salaam .
20 Rice , a controversial omission from South Africa 's World Cup team , has stepped down after 10 years as Transvaal 's captain to take up a position as a TV commentator during the competition .
21 It takes 16 days for Landsat 's instruments to build up a global picture .
22 In October 1973 , the NIRC fined the Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers £100,000 for contempt of court when they refused to obey the court 's order to call off a strike .
23 It is in an organisation 's interest to set out a formal procedure for resolving risk concerns .
24 It is in the company 's interest to build up a relationship with Fund Managers in order that a position of trust and goodwill is created .
25 The Titfords were a little different — Charles Frederick had decided to use his share of father 's estate to set up a modest retail business , one which his mother and sister could contribute towards when he was in London himself , and one which they could perhaps handle efficiently without him when he departed on his sporadic travels around the world .
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