Example sentences of "that is [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Here again we can ask what else we could possibly start from other than what is given , that is to say the evidence of our senses .
2 These fingerprints are in such a form that they can be easily compared one with another ; that is to say the computer can calculate a measure of ‘ shape difference ’ between any two axes .
3 The monopoly of command — in his house , in his business , in his factory — was crucial to his self-definition , and its formal assertion , whether nominal or real , is an essential element in all industrial disputes of the period : ‘ But I am also the Director of the Mines , that is to say the head [ chef ] of a large population of workers …
4 What we want local communities to do is to get together and look at the situation on the ground , that is to say the council , the police , the magistrates , the brewers , people who run fast food shops , the planners .
5 The same approach was adopted by the Divisional Court in 1891 in Manchester Corporation v. Williams [ 1891 ] 1 Q.B. 94 ; 63 L.T. 805 , that is to say the court sought to determine to what extent the law , having regard to the nature of the corporation and of the libel alleged , should allow the corporation to sue for libel .
6 It is by now quite well known ( certainly it will have come to the attention of those who attended the Statute Law Society 's Annual Conference at Cambridge in 1988 ) that the European Court 's method of interpreting Community legal texts is primarily teleological , that is to say the interpretation of a provision on the basis of its object and purpose .
7 It is I believe a result of that situation that reference to the correct , that is to say the continuation of washing-over , was not known in the documents first submitted by way of representation to various planning .
8 Quine on the other hand takes the evidence of one 's senses to concern not what is internal to the observer but what is external to him , that is to say the presence of certain ( public ) stimuli ( Quine , 1975a , p. 73 ) .
9 Up to a certain size , that is to say the size attained by the rats at a few weeks old , she caught and ate them , and , with a sure instinct for authority , brought in their tails to lay them at the feet of Martha .
10 The sections in the Magistrates ' Courts Act 1980 which give justices ' courts power to adjourn are : section 5(1) , adjournment of an inquiry into an offence as examining justice ; section 10(1) , adjournment of the trial of an information ; section 18(4) , the power to adjourn proceedings under sections 19 to 23 of the Act , that is to say the procedure which has to be followed where the information charges the defendant with an offence triable either on indictment or summarily ; and section 30 , a duty to adjourn the case to enable a medical examination and report to be made where the court is satisfied that the accused did the act or made the omission charged but is of the opinion that inquiry ought to be made into his physical or mental condition .
11 ‘ But I understood — that is to say the queen my mother-in-law understood — that the king moved here from Ely Palace in readiness for his coronation .
12 Supplier groups that is to say the welfare professional organisations such as teachers ' groups and social workers ' groups , also have an interest in the expansion of government expenditure .
13 The term kerygma , proclamation , is normally held to refer , in such a phrase as ‘ the Jesus of the kerygma ’ , to the proclamation concerning Jesus ; that is to say the proclamation of him as the resurrected one , as Lord and Saviour .
14 The structure of section 7 , in my view , clearly contemplates the constable who has arrested the person bailed bringing him before the justice and stating his , that is to say the constable 's , grounds for believing that the defendant has broken a condition of his bail .
15 ( 3 ) The Auditors shall within fourteen days of a request by the Company certify to the Company the Prescribed Price , that is to say the price which in their opinion represents a fair value for the Shares comprised in the Transfer Notice as between a willing vendor and a willing purchaser and , in making such determination , the Auditors shall not take any account of whether such Shares comprise a majority or minority interest in the Company ( and shall assume that the entire issued share capital of the Company is being sold ) .
16 ( 3 ) The Auditors shall within fourteen days of a request by the Company certify to the Company the Prescribed Price , that is to say the price which in their opinion represents a fair value for the Shares comprised in the Transfer Notice as between a willing vendor and a willing purchaser and , in making such determination , the Auditors shall not take any account of whether such Shares comprise a majority or minority interest in the Company ( and shall assume that the entire issued share capital of the Company is being sold ) .
17 I realised that that was an absurdity … after the evidence that India could not be part of the same political system , I still believed for a short time that an Empire of positions — that is to say the possession of points of communication around the globe — gave a significance to this country and a tenable and lasting position .
18 Observation sentences can be individually verified and our acceptance of them justified one by one , and constitute the evidence on which the non-observational , that is to say the whole of science , must rest ; this is the epistemological asymmetry .
19 An important feature was the establishment of specific aircraft performance requirements , that is to say the ability of an aircraft to be able to take off in given circumstances within a specified distance and also to come to a stop after landing in not more than a specified length of runway .
20 Erm , twenty-two two the recommendations not yet dealt with , the first is the review of the County Farms estate , and I will move paragraph nine one , that is to say the recommendation of the property services sub-committee okay , here we are , which is a recommendation to this committee to adopt option one as set out in the submitted report namely to maintain the County Farms estate at around it 's present size , and to manage it in accordance with the nineteen eighty-eight review of the estate .
21 Those rules are therefore designed to preclude , in so far as is possible and from the outset , the possibility of a situation arising such as that referred to in article 27(3) , that is to say the non-recognition of a judgment on account of its irreconcilability with a judgment given in a dispute between the same parties in the state in which recognition is sought .
22 In such circumstances the language of kinship — that is to say the set of words which fulfil the domestic purposes of the English words " father " , " mother " , " brother " , " sister " , " uncle " , " aunt " , and so on — is used to denote what we might otherwise be inclined to regard as economic , political , legal or religious relationships .
23 Where goodwill still has to be valued in relation to payments to outgoing partners , one of two bases is likely to be used : ( 1 ) excess profits , that is to say the amount by which an outgoing partner 's profit share exceeded ( a ) what he might have been expected to earn as an employed solicitor , and ( b ) the income he might have been expected to receive from investing his capital contributions in safe securities ; or , and much more frequently , ( 2 ) the average net profits of the partner concerned .
24 Every business or public organization has its market , that is to say the group of existing and potential buyers or users of its goods and services .
25 The cases form part of a series of actions relating to the various measures which the United Kingdom and Ireland took successively from 1983 onwards in order to combat what is termed in English as ‘ quota hopping , ’ that is to say the practice whereby , according to the United Kingdom , its fishing quotas are ‘ plundered ’ by vessels flying the British flag but lacking any genuine link with the United Kingdom .
26 This book is much concerned with what I shall call ‘ extrapolation theory ’ ; that is to say the drawing of inferences regarding the sequence of changes whereby one psychobiological state has shifted to another — from chimp-like language , say , to human speech .
27 However , the most usual ground is that based on delay , that is to say the lapse of time between the commission of the offence and the start of the trial .
28 ‘ However , the most usual ground is that based on delay , that is to say the lapse of time between the commission of the offence and the start of the trial .
29 That is to say the fear that people feel .
30 But that is only one of the factors in North Yorkshire that is influencing the vacancy rate .
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