Example sentences of "that be [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile a series of photographs are being taken that are published around the world .
2 So we 're talking about the sixty acre sixty hectares that are allocated for the rest of the Harrogate district and er I should like formal confirmation from Mr Allenby privately already that there is no question of any part of the York , Greater York area allocation being transferred into the rest of the district should it fall through for any purpose .
3 The Lanc that been allocated to the RAF Museum was PA474 and after the end of its active life it was flown into the Museum 's storage and restoration facility at Henlow on September 25 , 1964 , to await the opening of a new museum .
4 Had that been approached in the same meticulous way ?
5 How might that be seen as a problem ?
6 Could that be done in a pot ?
7 But because g two ca n't become a , a structure plan issue , I was wondering if the erm , environmental strategy of this council , when it is adopted , er , er , wh when it 's formulated and , and , and , and adopted , er , could that be incorporated as an appendix to the county structure plan .
8 But when stuff came down the dock to people off , on to a boat , would that be stored in a warehouse first and then go on to the boat or would it be
9 In the case of information relating to er say client A which is obtained by the auditor while auditing client B , the auditor ought as a matter of sound practice normally to use the information to make further enquiries for the purpose of the audit of A. These interpretations have been set out more fully in the statement of auditing standards and the professional guidance issued by the auditing practices board that will accompany this legislation and as matters of courtesy to the house er Madam Deputy Speaker , I ask that a copy of that be placed in the library .
10 I refer to your interview today for the above appointment and would advise you that , after careful consideration , the Sub-Committee has decided to recommend to the Regional Council that be appointed to the post .
11 But i if you s looked at all those points and you , you know , you say the er capping of er of increases and so and so could that be construed as a sort of a , a stage towards collectivization ?
12 Acer UK Ltd 's Christopher Hay says the company is ‘ comfortable ’ with SCO 's recently declared intention to edge towards Unix SVR4 and says Acer 's collaboration in the ACE initiative has provided the firm with the experience of RISC and Microsoft NT should that be required in the future , though it only has Intel 's P5 part in its sights at present as far as chip technology goes .
13 Should that be classified as a misspelling , or was it just ‘ wrongly ’ written ?
14 If privatisation occurs , will the Government guarantee everything that currently exists , will that be left to the private owners , or will the miners be sold down the river ?
15 Within the Six , the strongest support came from the West German Finance Minister , Ludwig Erhard , who had long favoured a broader European grouping than that being developed by the Six .
16 A second area of remote sensing research , combined with numerical modelling involves work on techniques to incorporate satellite altimeter data into ocean circulation models , including that being developed by the UK Meteorological Office for weather and climate .
17 The accountant engaged in a CBA of a project is not , in essence then , asking a different sort of question from that being asked by the accountant of a private firm .
18 I 'd seen that being done on the telly the other night .
19 To equalise the pressure in the bladder to that being placed on the body , it is inflated during descent and deflated on rising .
20 Finniston admits that being plunged into the deep end of commercial decisions he inevitably made mistakes in the early stages , although he is not prepared to take the blame entirely .
21 It is just that being shown into the library , which has been shut up these many years , perhaps brought it home to me how very sad it was for … ’
22 The first is that being spread over a period of time which began before the Armada , included the civil war and Commonwealth , and finished only after the accession of William of Orange , they are an unrivalled source of information on the changing status of many local families .
23 Only the hide-covered penthouse was occupied , and the three men in that were jammed at the opposite end , craning to watch the brilliant theatre ; the exchange at the gates upon which their survival depended .
24 that were reached under the last Government .
25 Important steps had already been taken that were to lead to the decision .
26 which gives a very comprehensive assessment er of er the i in terms of the Department of Transport 's own manual of environmental appraisal , sets out er information on all the routes that we that were put to the public as part of the consultation we did in nineteen ninety one .
27 And consequently , er the blockade did have er did have serious er serious consequences for the imports in relation to food etcetera , that er that were required by the er by the republican government .
28 At the same time as this was happening , that is to say between the late to midseventies , the Government announced its ‘ fight against inflation ’ with all its consequences for local government spending .
29 Between 1931 and 1939 — that is to say between the ages of 26 and 34 — Nizan published two polemical essays , Aden Arabie ( 1931 ) and Les Chiens de garde ( 1932 ) , three novels , Antoine Bloye ( 1933 ) , Le Cheval de Troie ( 1935 ) and La Conspiration ( 1938 ) , one historical text , Chronique de septembre ( 1939 ) , an adaptation of a Greek anti-war play by Aristophanes , Les Acharniens ( 1937 ) , an edition of Greek materialist philosophy , Les Materialistes de l'antiquite ( 1938 ) , an edition of Marx , Morceaux choisis de Marx ( 1934 ) , and two translations of extensive and important contemporary texts on America and the Soviet Union , L'Amerique tragique ( 1933 ) by T. Dreiser , and Les Soviets dans les affaires mondiales ( 1933 ) by L. Fischer .
30 Obviously frost-free models which mean you never have to defrost are as useful as self-cleaning ovens , and additional luxuries include iced water and crushed ice dispensers , automatic ice makers and the kind of American model with almost instant ( that is to say about an hour ) automatic ice cream and sorbet or sherbet-makers .
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