Example sentences of "that [vb past] by the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In making his decision , he seeks the advice of the judiciary , but if he has good reason for doing so , he is , as a matter of law , entitled to set a tariff period different from that recommended by the judges .
2 By notice of appeal dated 15 February 1991 Mr. Smart appealed against that refusal on the grounds that the Divisional Court had erred ( 1 ) in holding that the principles of natural justice did not endow a prisoner serving a mandatory sentence of life imprisonment with the right to know the factors ( including the views of the trial judge and the Lord Chief Justice ) which the Secretary of State took into account when fixing the tariff , the right to make informed representations to the Secretary of State about the length of the tariff to be applied and the right to be provided with the reasons for the period chosen by the Secretary of State as the tariff period ; and ( 2 ) in holding that the practice of the Secretary of State in murder cases of fixing a tariff in excess of that recommended by the trial judge and/or the Lord Chief Justice was lawful .
3 Expressions such as " to insure adequately " and " to insure to the full value of the property " should be amended as the former covenant could be complied with if the cover equates to that recommended by the insurance company , and the latter could be interpreted as meaning the full market value of the property and , as such , could be less than the cost of reinstatement .
4 I am quite unable to accept that Parliament in adopting somewhat more prolix language was intending to achieve a result which differed from that recommended by the committee .
5 Note 2 to Rule 20.2 stipulates that , in the case of a management buy-out or similar transaction , competing offerors should receive the same information as that passed by the target company or the management to external funders of the buy-out .
6 On April 25 the Senate approved by voice vote a $1,450,000 million budget bill broadly similar to that passed by the House .
7 Indeed , those in the Behaviouralist camp saw themselves as working within an intellectual framework altogether different from that inhabited by the Realists .
8 And it would appear to many rather strained within that agreed by the Secretary of State , a matter of general principle , the County Council accepted past level er of migration without looking er at the implications er of that .
9 But should the barrels stay missing for a while , they are not likely to be posing much of a health hazard — at least , not nearly as much as that posed by the tonnes of poison whose storage , legal or otherwise , is now going to be looked into .
10 Is not that aggravated by the fact that the Prime Minister does not know what he believes about the future of Scotland ?
11 A compressed-snow runway , similar to that used by the soviet Union at its base at Molodezhnaya , will be built at Casey for between A$3 and 5 million .
12 On May 17th , America 's Supreme Court sought Mr Clinton 's views on a long-running case challenging California 's right to use a completely different method of taxing multinationals to that used by the rest of the developed world .
13 The technique is very reminiscent of that used by the amphibians ' far distant and antique cousin , the lungfish .
14 The Metropolitan has a different station here from that used by the District and Piccadilly Lines .
15 Unfortunately , his approach is based on the same argument as that used by the people who built the Berlin wall — ’ If you leave the people who trained you , you have to pay a penalty ’ .
16 However , if there is a significant element of goodwill or the price is based on a multiple of earnings , this should be reflected in a formula similar to that used by the purchaser for calculating the price .
17 To compare the new technique with the conventional intraoesophageal pH measurement , a method was developed to locate a pH electrode at the same point in the oesophagus as that monitored by the cadmium telluride detector .
18 Since SRO 's are required to ensure that their rule books provide investors with protection which is at least adequate in comparison to that afforded by the SIB 's rules , the SRO 's will be obliged to adopt anti-insider dealing rules broadly similar to those of the SIB .
19 The total vertical heat transport is the sum of that transported by the motion and that conducted down the temperature gradient ( cf. also Section 21.7 ) .
20 The polar moment of inertia of the Moon C has been determined from J 2 , and from the physical librations which for the Moon have played an equivalent role in determining C to that played by the rate of polar axis precession in the case of the Earth ( see section 3.2.1 ) .
21 In India , the hooded Spectacled Cobra assumes , in effect , the exact same role as that played by the Rainbow Serpent .
22 In general terms , special damage is damage over and above that suffered by the public at large or some significant section of it affected by the decision .
23 Any private individual who has suffered particular damage as a result of the nuisance ( i.e. damage over and above that suffered by the public as a whole ) may bring a civil action in tort to seek the abatement of the nuisance and recover damages for loss already sustained .
24 Today , the Croats insist that the number of Serbs , gypsies and Jews massacred in the camps of the quisling Axis-allied Croatian state was only a tiny fraction of that claimed by the communists .
25 Second , and part of the power battle over the constitution of the Labour Party , there is a concern to secure a democracy in Britain different from that entrenched within the established liberal-democratic constitution and different from that envisaged by the Liberals and Social Democrats .
26 Indeed , during the observation period of various teaching units using computer programs we have seen the units used on many occasions in a very different fashion to that envisaged by the development team responsible for their design .
27 Behaviour would appear to depart from that predicted by the optimality theory .
28 They found that where the market value was 85 per cent or less of that predicted by the model , shares outperformed the market .
29 But none of these made any difference to the basic shape of these key results : on the first repetition , t was not important but both and k were — and in the direction predicted by the theory ; on the second repetition , t was important ( and with the right sign ) , as were σ and k — but they both had the wrong sign ( the opposite of that predicted by the theory ) .
30 The effect of giving non-reinforced pre-exposure to the target flavour was to reduce the readiness with which it came to function as a safety signal — that is , the outcome was the opposite of that predicted by the suggestion that the pre-exposed stimulus might already have acquired some of the properties of a safety signal .
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