Example sentences of "that [was/were] [adv] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 That was 1870 ; yet in 1881 Frances Mary Buss [ Miss Buss and Miss Beale/Cupid 's darts do not feel/How different from us/are Miss Beale and Miss Buss ] could say ‘ There is now no such thing as a ‘ woman 's education question ’ , ’ even if that were only a half truth .
2 That was simply a letter delivered at the gate just before dusk .
3 ‘ From what Valesio 's widow has told me , it 's dear that her husband 's contacts with the gang began with a telephone call that was simply a signal for him to go to some prearranged meeting-place .
4 The kind of job , he thought , that was simply an admission of defeat .
5 Well that practice did go on for a long number of years where the the riveter was the was the boss of the squad and on the Friday night , when er where it came knocking off time , he would collect the wages and he would divide that up between the squad which would be , a holder-on , a rivet boy , er maybe a putter-in , er again in my time , that was mostly a squad .
6 Then I was expected , that was rather a nuisance .
7 I thought that was rather a lot .
8 ‘ We were criticised in '91 for our lack of marketing expertise … that was both a disappointment and a learning experience ’ , reflected Rowlands in Catania .
9 That was neither an end , nor a beginning .
10 That was either a handgun or a wad of kickback dollars .
11 The thought patterns like Joanne and others the the concept of putting a little circle down and one word in it and expanding that out and being able to stand around and talk erm for three minutes or ten minutes or whatever for a significant amount of time erm that that was also a revelation to me .
12 and er , but apparently they did a , they did a test and that was also a package where the stuff like that , transfer although those three may of been carrying weapons , they split open the policeman , but this does seem to basically at , well not no , not indiscriminately they did n't say that but they shot innocent people , I mean like I said well the I mean that 's got to kill in those streets and stuff the ricochet 's can go quite easily go through somebody but there , there was , there 's always been claims er , there 's no I R A gunmen there
13 But that was n't interesting , that was just a trick .
14 Oh , but of course , ’ she added harshly , ‘ I forgot ; that was just a whim on your part , was n't it ?
15 Perhaps that was just a case where , in the early stages of the life-cycle , corporate managers acted more like private consumers than industrial purchasers of large-scale equipment .
16 That was just a couple I did .
17 Anyway , that was just a symbol .
18 The hand-claps sometimes seemed to be keeping time with my leisurely steps as I wandered under the arcades in the hot night , but that was just a coincidence .
19 That was just a pretence to cover up her real affaire .
20 And I do n't know it was truth he said I 'm just collecting all the mole skins for somebody 's mo For a coat , but that was just a story I think .
21 In fact I cried when I got to the top , but I think that that was just a release of emotion .
22 That was just a gimmick , like when they stopped the holiday trains .
23 That was just a slip .
24 But that was just a hope he 'd been tossing at me for a couple of years without any interest from me .
25 and that was just a bowl of soup and a , a roll
26 If that was just a warning I did n't want to be around when they got really nasty .
27 People in Walton believe that was just a ruse by the youths .
28 That is just wicked , using his arse as an ashtray , that was just a classic that was .
29 That was just a dream .
30 Unless all that was just a dream , after all , and nothing to do with what really happened . ’
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