Example sentences of "that [is] why [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I assume that that is why a consultant , who is the nephew of a distinguished former socialist in the House , said yesterday : ’ I do not believe the health service would be safe in Labour 's hands . ’
2 The basis of this understanding of marriage is laid down in the very first book of the Bible : ‘ That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united with his wife , and they become one . ’
3 Up until this point we have assumed that a referential locus is quite generally available for property words , not only adjectives in fact but also adverbs : ( 8 ) Philippa comforted her lovingly the referential locus of the adverb is that of the verb ; and the referential locus of the verb in turn is the entity of the subject phrase ; that is why a sentence like : ( 9 ) the drink comforted her lovingly is unacceptable , despite the fact that lovingly can co-occur with comfort , while comfort is compatible with drink .
4 By virtue of the doctrine of privity of estate the assignee will be liable to the landlord only for breaches of covenant occurring while the lease is vested in it , and that is why a landlord will usually insist upon a direct covenant from the assignee to observe and perform the provisions of the lease during the residue of the term , as in clause 5.9.4 .
5 That is why a player like Uwe Bein has come back in , ’ Vogts said .
6 That is why the sky looks blue .
7 That is why the support of the government to the voluntary sector has grown so dramatically in recent years .
8 And that is why the sea is salt .
9 That is why the test pieces are so invaluable .
10 That is why the waiting lists are falling by record amounts at this moment .
11 That is why the majority will respond to the threats of fragmentation and commercialisation of our health and education systems .
12 That is why the Home Secretary 's proposal to amalgamate many of the forces is to be welcomed .
13 The Labour party 's document makes it clear that Labour has forgotten every word , and that is why the country needs to be saved from a Labour Government .
14 The environment is crucial in this respect , and that is why the Council of Europe and its social , health and family affairs committee show continuing interest and involvement in these matters .
15 That is why the assistance of a trained , skilled and sympathetic third party is of such help when marriage conflict gets out of hand .
16 That is why the story of the binding of Isaac in chapter 22 is so bewildering .
17 That is why the Queen 's Speech contains a commitment to introduce legislation to reinforce the regulation of privatised utilities .
18 That is why the rest of this book is so important .
19 That is why the abolition of the 1908 Act was sprung on us , on British Coal 's management and on the work force .
20 That is why the surface to weight and volume ratio , so often neglected in discussions of animal biology , is important .
21 That is why the peace process , for which Israel has been striving for 44 years , has to be seen as the only viable solution .
22 That is why the concept of the safety case — a case going back to the very essentials of design — is so important .
23 That is why the man with binoculars stands on the opposite side of the road .
24 That is why the work of general practitioners is important in terms of the regular checks that they carry out on their patients , in particular those patients aged over 75 .
25 That is why the road fund licence , which taxes ownership rather than use , has been increased more rapidly after a period of stagnation .
26 That is why the couple whisper and point to me on the bridge .
27 I said in my orginal response that there was a failure in the signalling system at the time , and that is why the emergency procedure was in operation .
28 That is why the location for the Thai Hoa , the Palace of Perfect Concord , was chosen with such care .
29 It is that race of ‘ wise serpents ’ whose totem was the Hooded Cobra found inscribed on the soapstone seals of the Indus Valley who are the Nagas of Indian philosophy , and that is why the Cobra , known as Nag or Naga , has been raised throughout the country to the rank of a Divine Being .
30 That is why the issue of pay for office became " a political symbol " — a symbol of the determination of the democrats that poverty should not be a bar to political participation , as Pericles and Euripides boasted it was not .
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