Example sentences of "that [prep] the [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 The point is , that for the first time in decades , the environmentalists have a powerful voice — and a Government which claims to listen .
2 It was that for the first time something illogical had crept into her world .
3 The significance was not that a testator 's intentions were allowed to play more freely , but that for the first time the law was dealing with an open rather than a closed system , a system that offered unlimited possibilities for expansion .
4 I do n't know whether it affects anyone else but what happened to me was that for the first time in my adult life I began to feel part of a community .
5 What was new in Althusser was that for the first time this epistemological tradition was developed for a Marxism .
6 It is said that one of the merits of ‘ Documenta ’ this time round is that , with four much-travelled curators , it is truly international in its scope , and that for the first time it takes account of artists not operating in the great ‘ art capitals ’ …
7 They believe it will mean that for the first time in El Salvador 's history , there will be genuine political freedom .
8 He noticed too that for the first time since he had arrived at the Cages there was a total silence , as if all the eagles , and all the imprisoned creatures thereabout had instinctively understood that this old eagle 's troubled painful words marked an end to a terrible life ; and perhaps in some strange way the beginning of something none dared hope might come to pass .
9 Only out on the water with Pedro panting in the prow had she dared to admit that for the first time in her life she had felt herself a prisoner at the Hall .
10 Does he also admit that for the first time in the history of the national health service , waiting lists for day patients and in-patients combined have risen above 900,000 people ?
11 It is true , of course , that for the first time in 75 years , Russia now has in place the mechanisms of national democracy — a government whose president has been elected and a parliament able to enforce , by argument and voting , restraints on what the government does , as well as a constitutional court .
12 And I think a significant point is that for the first time in ninety three we were likely to take something in , in relation to B Sky B.
13 This entails matching your life-style to that of the new time zone as fully and rapidly as convenient .
14 In 70–80 per cent of all streets in the town , the amount of time spent by the car driver is under 30 per cent of that of the total time spent by all other people on the street .
15 They were like that from the first time I met them . ’
16 Sign the document , pay the fee and that 's that until the next time .
17 God so loved the world that he gave his son and here Paul said , that at the right time , at the right moment in that se , in that very day in history which was God ordained , God sent his son into this world !
18 ( 4 ) The limiting words ‘ in his capacity as an officer or servant of the Crown ’ leave the court free to order a witness to give evidence notwithstanding that at the relevant time he was an officer or servant of the Crown , if the matters in respect of which he is to give evidence did not come to his notice in that capacity , for example , the civil servant who , when on holiday or at home , happens to witness a road traffic accident .
19 They 'd told her , on no account was he to be allowed to cry for a feed , but that at the same time he was n't to be put to the breast unless he really wanted to .
20 We 're gon na have to be doing that at the same time .
21 Well we 've asked him to meet us with regard to the footpaths , so we could use it for that at the same time ,
22 I do not expect any difficulty in getting approval for the larger sum , and can do that at the same time as tenders are to hand for acceptance , but it will remain important to contain the total project cost as far as possible .
23 He did all that he did all that at the same time if he is go
24 A given species or even genus tends to specialize in that at the same time in the same area , the same plant species is exploited , and this takes a great toll of water-dispersed seeds such as rubber .
25 They argue that they have a strong commitment to the environment and are making major investments to improve efficiency of water consumption , but that at the same time they also have a commitment to their customers .
26 He said that the basic principle for a compromise should be that " all extreme proposals , such as dismantling the project , should be ruled out , but that at the same time the Danube should not suffer irreversible damage " .
27 But you see the thing is that how , what complicates all this is that at the same time the Communist Party is trying to achieve greater equality and how that this is n't their , their sole objective .
28 that at the same time you 're actually trying to assume a policy of equality ?
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